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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

Not sure if it has been mention, and I just realized it after reading Stev Helwagen's article on BN$, but today's punt return TD tied Teddy for the Big 10 career mark with Tim Dwight. It was his 5th PR for a TD.

yep, i realized that as soon as he ran it back. i just sat there waiting for the commontators to say something about it... ANYTHING about it.. they were as bad as the flippin refs! they didn't know who any of the players were. often called players by the wrong names. even called the iu defense the tOSU defense at one point. mike kudla IS NOT aj hawk.
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yep, i realized that as soon as he ran it back. i just sat there waiting for the commontators to say something about it... ANYTHING about it.. they were as bad as the flippin refs! they didn't know who any of the players were. often called players by the wrong names. even called the iu defense the tOSU defense at one point. mike kudla IS NOT aj hawk.

What about our Center Nick Wiengold and our Linebacker Mike D'Andre?
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LJB said: Ashton also looked confused and out of position on several plays, which just goes to show that even great players have off days.

I wonder how much AY practiced this past week. Does anyone know? Perhaps he practiced less in an attempt to rest the hip, and was therefore a little off his game.

Just a thought...

As far as the replay overturning what was clearly a catch: Maybe the replay guy was a typical indiana basketball junkie, and thinks that the foot is part of the ground in football the way that the hand is part of the ball in basketball...

and no, i'm not serious
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What about our Center Nick Wiengold and our Linebacker Mike D'Andre?

lol yep! it was pretty rough listening to them... id say at times, but it was pretty bad the entire game lol. its one thing to botch the names of backups and guys who don't play every down. but guys who are in the running for individual awards for their position...? sheesh guys, do some homework.
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lol yep! it was pretty rough listening to them... id say at times, but it was pretty bad the entire game lol. its one thing to botch the names of backups and guys who don't play every down. but guys who are in the running for individual awards for their position...? sheesh guys, do some homework.

I've often wondered...how much does the average announcer make per year / game? how much time do they spend in preperation?

I've concluded...whatever it is, I can do it better for less money.
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The handoffs take too long to happen, now this is just fine against a slow defense. On these delayed handoffs I noticed that Indiana was getting too much penetration up field just once I've like to see it be a quick hitter and move Pittman closer to the line of scrimmage.

most of those plays are draw plays designed to get the DL upfield a bit and out of the play.

osu needs to use pittman a little more in the I-Formation. I am still not a huge fan of the Ace set with the H-Back set up outside the TE and off the LOS.

It was good to see Mo Wells make some noise. Schnitker really shouldnt be taking any carries from him.

It was also nice to see Frost getting pt. the te's could be a big weapon in this offense. There was also a roy hall sighting today which was good.

Outside of some really bad officiating, I will make one gripe. OSU needs to give up the spread set when they get inside the redzone, especially inside the 15.
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I just got back from Bloomington. The traffic was horrible from Bloomington to Nashville.

I had a wonderful time. I watched the game from the Presidential Suite which wasnt too bad :biggrin: . Myles Brand was there, I met him, the president of Indiana University was there, I met him, Mike Davis was there, I met him, and while we were just getting ready to board the elevator I said hello to Gene Smith. I'm pretty sure Spielman was there, but I didnt get to see him.

The officials were horrible. As were the announcers. Ginn looked amazing. He seems to be back to his former self. The team played very well, but we need to work on some things. We need to score more touchdowns in the red zone,(run the ball w/ Pittman more. The slant pass call that got picked off was horrible) and we also need to convert more on 3rd down.
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I am disheartened at some of the critique of the announcers, as Spielman himself was the analyst for the game.

What disheartens me the most is that I cannot disagree with it. Spiels gave his usual outstanding performance most of the time. But on most occasions when the play-by-play guy would misidentify or mispronounce a Buckeye, Spiels would just repeat the mistake.

I guess the same comment that LJB made about Ashton Youboty also applies to #36. Everybody has an off-day occasionally.
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Go to the game!!!! Don't watch on TV...especially this one. Every Buckeye fan to try and make it out to IU. It's amazing with all the fans. Hoeppner was pissed off that there were so many Ohio State fans...so I say, next time we go there, lets just send even more. Heck...it's about 60 bucks to go to an OSU home game...offer any IU fan 60 bucks for their tickets, and they'll sell them to you. Just kick all the IU fans out, and fill the whole stadium with scarlet and grey.

On another note...the offense is what it is. I don't know what more people want out of them other than the perfect game. Troy Smith isn't going to morph into this completely awesome QB with great vision and feel of the pocket overnight...but he IS getting better, and dammit he did go thru progressions during this game, I saw it. He hit Holmes after looking at Ginn and then Gonzo on one pass. He still telegraphed some, but he looked better, more comfortable. TS didn't fumble!!! We never fumbled...you can't consider the raping Ginn took a fumble...and Smith threw 1 bad pass, which I thought was PI, but maybe I just saw something...if it wasn't PI, then Holmes fell down when it looked like he had the inside position when the ball was thrown, and usually he makes the play, so I don't think it was as bad of a pass as it looked. The line blocked well...I don't know why all of a sudden we decided to clip...other than the clipping though, what more do you want? We are what we are on offense, we aren't going to go out there and average 2 minute scoring drives like 2001-2002 cryami.

And if a good offensive performance against IU is like fools gold...then what about MSU or Iowa? Our offense has looked pretty good in Big 10 play except against a great Penn State defense on the road. I think we are getting better...everybody.

Sometimes I just get so annoyed with the complaints. Like today...we are up 31-10...and we run the ball on first down, and the guy next to me goes (in a negative way) oh great, here comes Tresselball. WTF? You aren't suppoed to run on first down in the 4th quarter with a 3 TD lead? Especially the way we ran the ball? So what if we only got 2 yards on the play...I don't know of ANY team that gets 5+ yards a carry on EVERY rushing play...SOMETIMES, you get stopped...EVERY team gets stopped sometimes...but it seems like whenever it happens to us, no matter if it's the first time or whatever, it's bad playcalling, the offense sucks, and we need a offensive cordnatior.

I would have liked to see Tressel never call a passing play, and just run draws, options, and isolations the whole game...and still win (like we would have) just to piss off the guy next to me. I love running the ball. I love when we do it. I love when I KNOW we are going to do it, and most of the time, ESPECIALLY today, we still get 5+ yards. We are VERY creative with the run...Tressel always has been. Okay, i'm done.
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