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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

I didn't see this thread, and posted junk in the IU vs. OSU thread. Basically mostly bitching about the refs, which I see has already been done on this thread, so I won't repeat you. (You're welcome.)

How many rushing yards did Indiana get? 60? With what Mizzou did to Nebraska, will Ohio State be back to 1st in the country in rush defense?
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I didn't see this thread, and posted junk in the IU vs. OSU thread. Basically mostly bitching about the refs, which I see has already been done on this thread, so I won't repeat you. (You're welcome.)

How many rushing yards did Indiana get? 60? With what Mizzou did to Nebraska, will Ohio State be back to 1st in the country in rush defense?

Without question. Brad Smith went for over 2 bills
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how outstanding is our DL play? How many dominating performances must they have before they start getting compared to the 02 crew? I don't think there is a Will Smith on this team, by any means. But many thought the DL was the reason that the 05 defense doesn't compare to the 02 crew. With their lights out domination recently, I'd say the two defenses are coming closer. We even got one of those takeaways, and for a score as a bonus! We should have put Mitchell in sooner :tongue2:
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Hey we won the game, that is the most important part, but our offensive woes are not by any means solved. Remember, its Indiana .... even the 2003 offense, the most putrid offense in memory put up 30+ on them. The O-line looked a little better today, but considering who they played, they should have looked a lot better. The defense looked great though, I saw much more CONSISTENT pressure on the QB than I saw last week. If we hadn't turned the ball over, Indiana would never have scored, and would probably never have crossed midfield. I still believe that our offensive will struggle as long as we continue to use the zone blocking schemes. It just doesn't work for our team, just look at the last 5 years.
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how outstanding is our DL play? How many dominating performances must they have before they start getting compared to the 02 crew? I don't think there is a Will Smith on this team, by any means. But many thought the DL was the reason that the 05 defense doesn't compare to the 02 crew. With their lights out domination recently, I'd say the two defenses are coming closer. We even got one of those takeaways, and for a score as a bonus! We should have put Mitchell in sooner :tongue2:
A lot of the "DL" play is coming from Bobby Carpenter, who is lining up at end on a lot of plays. Kudla is playing very well - better than I expected. The DT's are solid, but not spectacular - they are neutralizing men, but not making impact plays (not that they need to with the back 7 playing so well right now).
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ESPN + crew referred to Ohio State and Indiana a couple times, anyone catch that?

All in all, it was a dominating performance in ever facet of the game (I'd have liked it better if IU didn't get that long kick return.) I forget who said it on page 1, but I didn't see a struggling O today. Troy missed a throw (that is, he didn't see him) to Agone and that's about it (On the other hand, it's hard to tell what other reads he didn't make with the camera angles we had.

I am happy to see Pittman running as hard as he has been. I was more in the Haw camp before the season started, and I'm glad Antonio has proven me wrong.

Tedward is finally starting to run instead of dance.
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no doubt, our DL is not as dominant when Carp doesn't move up there. Sure would be nice to have Freeman this year, and be able to move Carp up there more often.

Sure was great to see Wells get a little bit of space from the Ol. I'm hoping that trend continues against these meager defenses over the next few weeks.

For being such a small guy, Teddy sure does a good job blocking.
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A lot of the "DL" play is coming from Bobby Carpenter, who is lining up at end on a lot of plays. Kudla is playing very well - better than I expected. The DT's are solid, but not spectacular - they are neutralizing men, but not making impact plays (not that they need to with the back 7 playing so well right now).

I don't disagree, necessarily, but when you lead the league in sacks, the DLine is doing something right (even if that's neutralizing men to let Hawk and Co clean up)
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I don't disagree, necessarily, but when you lead the league in sacks, the DLine is doing something right (even if that's neutralizing men to let Hawk and Co clean up)
seemed like they have collapsed the pocket pretty well (not sure if that falls under the definition of "neutralizing men" or not).

Kudla sure has skyrocketed his draft stock this year.
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I could dwell n the obvious flaws in this game - but I will not. (officiating, penalties, Ginn stripped by the officials, Ginn stripped by the IU D AND the officials in one play).

But I will not do that.

Instead, let me put forward kudos to the offense with:

Pittman - another great day running the ball.
Smith - a largely mistake free day, and I frankly believe he did do a better job of looking for his secondary receiver, which is to say, he actually looked for one.
Ginn - throwing blocks downfield (wonder who he learnt that from --Holmes, stand up there at the back)
Ginn - ploughing through tackles and going for extra yards in the pas AND in the return game - not physical? you must be kidding me.
Ginn - playing up and getting his reward late in the game despite the officials jobbing him at least twice.
And Holmes - boy, he is going to be a hard spot to fill on the roster.

And kudos on defense -- another absolutely sterling performance.
In fact, now that Nebraska has actually played a team with a heartbeat in their rushing attack the Buckeyes will be back in sole possession of first place in the rankings for rushing defense.
Add in the great work in coverage - past the first quarter and change they simply shut down the IU passing attack. That bunch are clearly proud to be Buckeyes.
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I thought this wasn't a great win, but a good one. I didn't really like the play calling tho. For example how many times do we throw quick slants to santonio holmes before the corner jumps the route? 2nd we still don't run DOWNHILL when we get inside the 10. Its usually roll outs/options/quick slants. Nice game by Pittman, but I think the playcalling once again could have set him up better. The handoffs take too long to happen, now this is just fine against a slow defense. On these delayed handoffs I noticed that Indiana was getting too much penetration up field just once I've like to see it be a quick hitter and move Pittman closer to the line of scrimmage. We did run a good bit of screens that was nice to see. We still don't get the ball that much to Ginn or Gonzo on offense. Would've been nice to get Ginn the ball on one of them fake revereses. I thought they looked open.

As for the refs. Horrible, but they actually called a consistantly horrible game.

The defense was just lights out and theres not much I really have to say about them. Besides that I think Malcom Jenkins is an absolute STUD. Can he hit or what? He hit, covered his area, and ran to the ball very well today! He will be the best corner in the nation come 2 years.
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