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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

it was nice to see them get dismantled tho. I was curious how a team went from giving up 70 last year to being the nation's top ranked rush D. Just goes to show how overrated statistics are, unless they are about OSU :)
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Didn't we sack the QB 12 times last week?

From what I saw most of those sacks came on blitzes. It was either feast or famine last week. One play we would sack him, the next we would give him 8 seconds to throw the ball. This week we had less sacks, but more consistent pressure from the D-line, IMO. They were in his face a lot more, and he rarely had more than 2-3 seconds to throw.
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td class="yspsctnhdln">Missouri 41, Nebraska 24</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="7"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="1"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
By R.B. FALLSTROM, AP Sports Writer
October 22, 2005 <table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="ysptblbdr2">
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) -- Brad Smith set a school record with 480 yards in total offense, ran for three scores and threw for another, turning up the production after Missouri squandered an 18-point first-quarter lead in a 41-24 victory over Nebraska on Saturday.

Smith had 246 yards rushing on 28 carries and was 21-for-36 for 234 yards for Missouri
(5-2, 3-1 Big 12), which has won three straight. David Overstreet had a key third-quarter interception to help the Tigers beat Nebraska (5-2, 2-2) for the second time in three years after winning only once in the previous 26 meetings.
Missouri has won two straight at home over Nebraska for the first time since 1967 and '69 when the team was coached by Dan Devine. The final score, which gave coach Gary Pinkel his 100th career victory, was identical to that of Missouri's victory at home over Nebraska in 2003.

After the victory, fans tore down both goal posts.

Zac Taylor had two touchdown passes for Nebraska, which entered the game leading the nation in rushing defense at 65 yards per game. Missouri gouged the Cornhuskers for 277 yards on 49 carries and totaled 523 yards.
Missouri scored on its first four possessions, three touchdowns and a field goal, to take a 24-10 lead. A pair of turnovers that led to quick scores helped Nebraska tie it at 24 at the half, before Missouri took control again after the break.
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Smith's 45-yard run late in the third quarter, his third carry of 40 or more yards, put Missouri ahead to stay at 31-24. In the first quarter he was untouched on a career-long 79-yarder and had a 53-yarder to the Nebraska 16 that set up his 4-yard scoring run.

Smith moved to second in career quarterback rushing, trailing only Antwaan Randle El of Indiana from 1998-01, passing Dee Dowis of Air Force and Joshua Cribbs of Kent State. He's also second on Missouri's scoring list with 236 points.
Everything worked in the first quarter for Missouri's offense, which needed only 13 plays to score three touchdowns on its first three possession while running up a 21-3 lead. Smith's 79-yarder came on the first play after a Nebraska punt, and the Tigers also were successful on fourth-and-1 from their own 43 late in the period when Smith hit Sean Coffey for a 37-yard gain that led to a field goal by Adam Crossett for a 24-10 lead early in the second.
Smith also threw a 15-yard touchdown pass to Tommy Saunders for the first score of the game. Saunders alertly grabbed the ball in the end zone after it popped out of teammate William Franklin's hands, a play reminiscent of Matt Davison's miracle grab that beat Missouri in 1998 after the ball was kicked in the air by teammate Shevin Wiggins.
A blocked punt by Daniel Bullocks and a fumble recovery by Jay Moore after Barry Turner's sack of Smith led to two quick scores that helped Nebraska tie it at 24 at halftime. Bullocks recovered the blocked punt at the 1 and Cody Glenn scored on the next play, and Nebraska needed two plays to tie it on Zac Taylor's 8-yard pass to Nate Swift after Moore returned the fumble to the 8. Taylor had two touchdown passes in the half, also hitting Todd Peterson for a 34-yard score.
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Well i swear to god i saw he had 303 yards rushing.
Then -- it must be true...
Here have a miracle potato chip..

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From what I saw most of those sacks came on blitzes. It was either feast or famine last week. One play we would sack him, the next we would give him 8 seconds to throw the ball. This week we had less sacks, but more consistent pressure from the D-line, IMO. They were in his face a lot more, and he rarely had more than 2-3 seconds to throw.

Gotcha. I was just a little confused with your first post. I can see what you mean. We did get more pressure from the front 4 this week.
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Not sure if it has been mention, and I just realized it after reading Stev Helwagen's article on BN$, but today's punt return TD tied Teddy for the Big 10 career mark with Tim Dwight. It was his 5th PR for a TD.
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