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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

First, everybody's favorite topic - the offense. Quite frankly, except for a few notable exceptions (two clips, Troy's goal-line pick), the O played a great game today, with close to 500 yards of total offense. Also, the play calling was exceptional, with a fine mix of run and pass, and plays which attacked both the middle and the corners. Unlike last week, when only four players touched the ball, lots of people were involved this week; before the subs came in late in the game, Smith, Pittman, Wells, Schnittker, Ginn, Holmes, Gonzalez, Hamby, and White all had touches, and Frost had a couple thrown his way. Obviously, the TE's were used in the passing game, as were the backs; the Bucks used several screens to backs and WR's; Ginn was used both as a weapon and a decoy.

MoWells will be a good-to-great player when he gets his chance as a "change of pace" back; just another weapon in the "spread" offense.

The negatives on offense were the OT's - both Datish and Boone had a clipping penalty and gave up a sack; the interior played well and opened lots of holes for Pittman. Smith's INT was as bad as you'll ever see - he was laser-locked on Holmes the entire play.

On to the defense - another nice game, especially from Schlegel, who played a great game, stuffing several runs and applying plenty of pressure on blitzes. Kudos to Brandon Mitchell for his pick six. However, Youboty had a tough game, with two pass interference calls (almost a third on Mitchell's INT) and two dropped picks; Ashton also looked confused and out of position on several plays, which just goes to show that even great players have off days.

Special teams were, well, sometimes special, sometimes not. Ginn's punt return TD was a highlight, and his KO return would have been were it not for a questionable penalty; also, the Bucks recovered a muffed punt; JAMO had a "lights out" hit on KO coverage. However, the KO coverage team allowed a 67-yard return, Huston missed a field goal (albeit from 49 yards - Nugent spoiled us), and D'Andrea fumbled a KO (but the refs blew another one and called a re-do).

Way too many penalties (although some were questionable - see below).

IU's much improved, and under Hoeppner they will be better in years to come, but they are not yet ready to compete with the big boys.

A final word - the officials were terrible, awful, horrible, putrid, pathetic, and just plain bad. The phantom penalty on Ginn's KO return, the "no whistle" on Ginn's fumble (Ginn got screwed twice by the zebras), the "quick whistle" on D'Andrea's fumble (and then a re-kick? :huh: ), the blown call on the instant replay which denied a Hoosier receiver a clear catch - and those were just the most blatant miscues. If the officiating has ever been worse than today, then (fortunately) I haven't seen it. The best that can be said is that the bizarre calls affected both teams more or less equally (and ultimately didn't much matter in a blow out).

Overall, a very good win, on the road, against a team which really played hard despite being outmanned.

No doubt Ginn's fumble should have been reviewed becasue his progress was stopped, and i'm still looking for that pen. on his kickoff return. I've never heard of a pen. for hitting a "defenless" player(except for a kicker or holder), come on its football, you know your going to be hit. That call is almost as stupid as when my HS was playing and the opposing QB was running towards the pylon and our guy smacked him keeping him out of the endzone, and the refs threw a flag for "excessive hitting".
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I'll pile on the officiating. How about that ticky-tack "roughing the passer" call on Kudla. Yeah, he's somewhat guilty for even the slight shove after the QB had clearly thrown the ball, but that was nowhere near "roughing"...
Yeah, I thought that it was borderline, too, especially because the refs let IU play a rather "aggressive" game, with plenty of late hits, riding players out of bounds, piling on, etc.
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id be shocked if ay were even close to 100% today. i think he's still hurting from last week. jenkins had a whale of a game. sometime during the last week it seems he learned to tackle!!! :p as much as it scares me to say it, he reminds me a little of a very young winfield. exceptional game by the d.

unlike ljb, i saw nothing on offense that made me feel optimistic. sorry, i just didn't. i saw the exact same problems i have seen all year.
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The officiating was horrendous. It was almost as if the refs tried to make every call in Hoeppner's favor after that play when he thought Salley should have been flagged for defensive holding. Overall, a great game, as was said. My one criticism (and this is small, and somewhat nit-picking) was that I didn't like Tressel's play call on 3rd and about 10 right before halftime. He ran Schnittker right up the middle for no gain when we had the ball on IU's 32. That's a heck of a position to put your kicker in, and Houston unfortunately missed the 50 yarder. Other things said, though, a good win. Bring on Minnesota.
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Not so fast my friends! The ESPN+ broadcast team gave Kudos the the officiating team. For example, the officials picked up a flag thrown against IU for blocking in the back. According to the ESPN guys, the officials made the correct judgement of "intent" and picked up the flag even though the IU player clearly committed the physical act.
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-100 total yds and 2 points.

Thats what we did above the average IU's defense allows.
I'll take that, considering our offensive woes.

Should we have put many more points up on offense? Yes, but the things that stalled a number of the drives were huge penalties that put us in ugly situations.

Some people act like anything short of the Iowa performance is not a good performance by the offense. The mighty ND offense only put up 17 at halftime (IIRC) on BYU. MSU couldn't do anything against the pathetic NW defense.

Should Troy stop staring down WRs? Sure. Should we stop running draws on 3rd and 15? Sure. But overall, I saw a lot better playcalling out there.

Some of the success was due to poor defense, but we also seemed to catch them off guard with some playcalling in the second half. If we can get that kind of execution and scheming for the rest of the season, we will cruise to a BCS game.
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miami 5-10 50%
texas 5-15 33%
sdsu 10-19 53%
iowa 13-18 72%
penn state 6-15 40%
msu 1-6 17%
iu 3-13 23%
43/96 45%

i am not sure but i dont think 45% is 11th in the country...maybe defensively we are 11th but not offensively
From the official NCAA stats, Ohio State was 11th, with a 48.2% conversion percentage.

NCAA Official Stats
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