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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

A former U.S. ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein? Are they looking for a football coach or a futball coach?

That's not an FSO posting. The major diplomatic skill required is usually raising boatloads of campaign cash for one of the political parties. In her case, she was a high school teacher who was Laura Bush's BFF. And people still ask me why I left the Foreign Service.
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How abouts this guy.....

View attachment 8628

I was only 1/2 joking when I mentioned him last week when I stated that my money was on Charlie Strong. Now that Strong has apparently stated that he has no interest... Bobby may not be a bad choice. Frankly, if the search board was all Texas-money-males, my guess is that they'd sympathize with his position... errr... situation.
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I was only 1/2 joking when I mentioned him last week when I stated that my money was on Charlie Strong. Now that Strong has apparently stated that he has no interest... Bobby may not be a bad choice. Frankly, if the search board was all Texas-money-males, my guess is that they'd sympathize with his position... errr... situation.
Strong would never deal with the other requirements such as the LHN. No way he was ever taking that job. My money's on him waiting out one more year for the Florida job. As for Texas, I really have no clue. The only homerun coaches out there are Urban and Saban, and neither of them are a possibility. Briles apparently has no interest in UT. Harbaugh ain't leaving the NFL and is about to get a fat extension from SF. Petrino has too much baggage. Gruden's an interesting wildcard, but he seems happy on MNF. They're best move would be to throw bags of money at Malzahn and hope Auburn can't match it. My money's on them ending up with somebody like Dabo or Franklin. The meltdown if that happens will be EPIC.
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Texas needs a CEO, Not just a football coach unless the money people want to take back control and have a puppet who only deals with football on the field. I have a feeling the Tea Sippers( Aggie term for UT Alums) don't want a coach gaining the power Mack had
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Strong would never deal with the other requirements such as the LHN. No way he was ever taking that job. My money's on him waiting out one more year for the Florida job. As for Texas, I really have no clue. The only homerun coaches out there are Urban and Saban, and neither of them are a possibility. Briles apparently has no interest in UT. Harbaugh ain't leaving the NFL and is about to get a fat extension from SF. Petrino has too much baggage. Gruden's an interesting wildcard, but he seems happy on MNF. They're best move would be to throw bags of money at Malzahn and hope Auburn can't match it. My money's on them ending up with somebody like Dabo or Franklin. The meltdown if that happens will be EPIC.
Bold 1:
[/ChipbrownOtherRadioHost] - the LHN requirements are no more than other coaches who do an hour a week radio show or TV show, Mack just wanted to do more and give more of his time [/end]

:slappy: yes they actually said it was Macks fault he was doing work for LHN 6 hours a week when he bitched and moaned about it constantly...

Bold 2:
They dont want Jim they want John.. You know the guy who just won a superbowl... They think those guys wanna go back to college because their dad coached college. Also per the radio host... John is a perfect blend of Mack Brown and Nick Saban.
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Bold 1:
[/ChipbrownOtherRadioHost] - the LHN requirements are no more than other coaches who do an hour a week radio show or TV show, Mack just wanted to do more and give more of his time [/end]

:slappy: yes they actually said it was Macks fault he was doing work for LHN 6 hours a week when he bitched and moaned about it constantly...

Bold 2:
They dont want Jim they want John.. You know the guy who just won a superbowl... They think those guys wanna go back to college because their dad coached college. Also per the radio host... John is a perfect blend of Mack Brown and Nick Saban.
What would you take from Mack Brown if you were blending the two into an ideal coach? Ability to be walked all over by the donors?
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Complete shitstorm waiting to happen. Half the boosters are going to hate you because you're not Mack, while the other half hate you because you're not Saban. Winning will take care of everything, but what if that takes a little time and the team isn't in the NC game in year three like most of their fans think is a god-given inevitability? The place could really go back to what they were for the twenty years before Mack: a coaching graveyard.
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Mack today is different from the guy who was a recruiting fiend at UNC and early at Texas. He was pretty awesome before he got older and tired.
His QB recruiting since lucking into Colt McCoy has been obscenely bad. Didn't return Jameis Winston's calls. Passed on RGIII and Andrew Luck. Wanted to make Manziel a DB. He hasn't recruited a good QB since Colt in '05...better part of a decade. That is incompetence.
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His QB recruiting since lucking into Colt McCoy has been obscenely bad. Didn't return Jameis Winston's calls. Passed on RGIII and Andrew Luck. Wanted to make Manziel a DB. He hasn't recruited a good QB since Colt in '05...better part of a decade. That is incompetence.
Yes there is a difference between today and his earlier years if you remember them.
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