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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

Isn't Texas supposed to be a destination job? I get that people who are rooted into another program may not be looking at the moment, but I'm sure there's plenty of interest
Like President of the United States is a destination job, it takes a special type of person to succeed at Tejas. Its not just about football, you have to be a politician. Listening to the guys on the radio they think that all other schools are like Tejas. I wanted to call in and say "uhm... at almost every other school, except Oregon, you can't name big money boosters. Most other schools big money guys get access and keep their mouth shut"
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Like President of the United States is a destination job, it takes a special type of person to succeed at Tejas. Its not just about football, you have to be a politician. Listening to the guys on the radio they think that all other schools are like Tejas. I wanted to call in and say "uhm... at almost every other school, except Oregon, you can't name big money boosters. Most other schools big money guys get access and keep their mouth shut"

Les Wexner, John Ong, Robert Schottenstein or Bill Lowery ain't demanding that Urban bring the team out to the farm.

I've lost track of how many donations to academics between $10M and $100M Ohio State has received over the last several years. The athletic department just received (and for just $10M even) its very first one in history.

Ohio State doesn't build statues to donors outside the stadium.

There's a fundamental difference between booster influence at Ohio State and Texas. We certainly have had a few booster problems, but look at the culprits: a couple of non-alumni, jock-sniffing low-rent businessmen offering $500 handshakes and no-work jobs. At Texas, those jock sniffers are some of the most powerful people connected to the university. My prediction is that if Texas gets in trouble, it won't be a rogue coach but rather this collection of powerful football boosters who are the catalyst. They got a taste of big time glory after an over two decade drought, and I wonder what lengths they'll go to to get back there.
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It's a shame a few lousy seasons has landed their self-esteem in the toilet...

The question is a little flawed imo. Texas was never indisputably the #1 job in the nation until Mack made it so. We've never really been in this position before.

No one has. The profile of this hire is unprecedented in college football. Saban getting 7.5 and the LHN are game changers. ESPN has such a huge stake in this that Texas cannot fail and hire the wrong guy. Texas is on the cutting edge of high-stakes hiring right now. No other school in the country is going to get a spot during pregame coverage on Monday Night Football. This process has to be sure, but also quiet. Very difficult to achieve, but you'll notice that nobody has any insider tidbits on this...yet.

If there's any justice in this world, they'll end up with some coach from the MWC.
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• Ricardo Hinojosa, United States federal judge for the Southern District of Texas, former member of the university’s Commission of 125.
• Charles Matthews, former vice president and general counsel of Exxon Mobil, current president of the Texas Exes.
• Robert Rowling, former member of the Board of Regents and owner and chairman of TRT Holdings Inc.
• Charles Tate, chairman of Capital Royalty, former member of the executive committee of the university’s Commission of 125.
• Pamela Willeford, former U.S. ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein and former chair of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
I wonder if they have Karl Rove and Kofi Annan on call for shits and gigs.
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John L Smith would be more entertaining though :biggrin:
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