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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

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Tomlin speaks his mind.

This isn't going to end well for TexPN. And it serves their asses right. They started this crap back in 1997 with the formation of the Big XII.

They figured that they'd be able to call all the shots cause they have all the damn money. Well, they did, but look where it got them.

Yes, they have their National championship, but the dynasty never came about like they wanted it to.

3 wins of 18 Big XII Championships and a national championship.

Some rate of return on the investment. Was it worth it? :no:
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Callers were bringing up Brian Kelly, then they talked about Tejas money vs "Gods" money.... then Chip mentioned how Kelly
"holds everyone accountable from the equipment manager to himself"
. I just about wrecked when I heard that. Its clear I'm to intelligent to have a rational conversation with radio folks because the shit they say just leaves me going :confused::facepalm:
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