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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

This is a real head scratcher, right? Who is at a level and crazy or hungry enough to take this thing?

Obviously no inside trading here, but my bet is Strong. Everyone else seems tainted in some way or smart enough to realize there's already a fire burning in the dumpster. Tainted... taint... Hmmmm... Bobby?
Strong could defintely be the guy, and honestly not the worst thing in the world for them. I think he's a solid recruiter, and he has taken Louisville (even if they are in a bad conference) to 23-2 over the past two seasons including a BCS bowl win. Now I know Bridgewater is a big part of that, but you can't discount the rest of the team success.
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Art Schlichter is more likely to be their next coach than Art Briles. Briles supposedly hates the entire UT athletic department nightmare with a passion and just signed a big extension with Baylor.

This plus Briles is below them (per their fans et al), he coached High School Ball in Texas... that is a no-no for future HC of UTejas
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I'm not convinced that whoever they hire is going to blow the doors off in the next 5 years. Given the time/energy suck that is LHN, the politics of the job (which btw every could learn a lesson from Mack on, he was a master), and the rise of Baylor, Aggy, Okie Light, and UFM & TH recruiting, its going to be a tough tough job. Not to mention the insane tee-shirt alumni base, of which i'm convinced makes up 75+% of their fan base, and their demands for NC after NC.
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I'm not convinced that whoever they hire is going to blow the doors off in the next 5 years. Given the time/energy suck that is LHN, the politics of the job (which btw every could learn a lesson from Mack on, he was a master), and the rise of Baylor, Aggy, Okie Light, and UFM & TH recruiting, its going to be a tough tough job. Not to mention the insane tee-shirt alumni base, of which i'm convinced makes up 75+% of their fan base, and their demands for NC after NC.

This made me think of those posters on the shag saying Mack sabotaged the next guy by allowing Saban to re-up his contract. I think Mack knows the next guy is gonna drown almost no matter what unless he is fully committed to suckling every teet that there is deep in the heart of Texas. Which is a lot of teets.
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Hugh Freeze

And I raise you, Mr Freeze.

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