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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)


Yeah, an old guy who is lazy on the recruiting trail who recruits against Michigan in a talent poor state and develops players better than any team in the B1G, likes boring offenses fields as good a defense as any team in the country, and has teams that underperform on a consistent basis (how quickly we forget about last season) has won as many games in the last five years as Ohio State, will make Texas instantly forget about Mack Brown.

But I did think he was in his early fifties. Fifty seven is probably too old (albeit younger than Saban).
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Whoever said Mike Gundy's name might have an idea. I'd say James Franklin might be interviewed, and probably Art Briles and Pat Fitzgerald. Gus Malzahn will probably have a bagful thrown at him. Beyond that I'm drawing a bit of a blank.

If they're going to raid their little sisters, I'd love to see them steal Sumlin just for the laughs.
Can't see any interest in Fitzgerald going in either direction, though.
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There's no way Fitzgerald is a candidate after this past season. I don't see Sumlin switching because while his QB is the biggest douche in the world, he seems like a somewhat likeable guy. What would be hilarious would be Dabo Swinney. They would be so.....above average.
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Bunch of idiots and imbeciles taking over shaggy now...

If UT is going about this hire the way the Shag seems to want them to (bags and bags of money), they will get nothing more than a hired gun. And it will be a magnificent clusterfuck. The kind of hire you want is the coach who truly wants to be there, no matter the money. Can't buy that kind of loyalty or dedication...

I am predicting clusterfuck btw. And it will be awesome...
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Art Schlichter is more likely to be their next coach than Art Briles. Briles supposedly hates the entire UT athletic department nightmare with a passion and just signed a big extension with Baylor.

As for Dantonio, that's exactly what we--as Ohio State fans--don't want to happen. The last thing that we need is the second best coach in the conference bolting. If the Big Ten is ever going to be taken seriously again, we need more Dantonios running its programs, not fewer.

The retard faction on the shag has turned the dial up to 11 though. Aside from the Harbaugh nonsense, some are even suggesting that Saban is still in play. Dis about to gets good.
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This is a real head scratcher, right? Who is at a level and crazy or hungry enough to take this thing?

Obviously no inside trading here, but my bet is Strong. Everyone else seems tainted in some way or smart enough to realize there's already a fire burning in the dumpster. Tainted... taint... Hmmmm... Bobby?
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I'm a James Franklin fan, and I think he'd play well there. It would probably be disappointing to most of the mooks on the shag since he's not a Harbaugh and doesn't come equipped with 4 rings, but I think he'd succeed there.
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