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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

These fools really believe that they're gonna land a Harbaugh or Tomlin. I can think of only one NFL coach in recent memory to go from the NFL back to college....Saban. And that's because he was a miserable failure in the NFL.

Doesn't that statement apply to Tomlin as well? OK, not a miserable failure, but this is his second year in a row of Pittsburgh being on a downward slide, and I know several Steelers fans who wouldn't mind seeing Tomlin skip town for Austin.
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Doesn't that statement apply to Tomlin as well? OK, not a miserable failure, but this is his second year in a row of Pittsburgh being on a downward slide, and I know several Steelers fans who wouldn't mind seeing Tomlin skip town for Austin.
Maybe, but look at Pittsburgh's roster. That team has all kinds of problems in key places. Old OL...no WRs...mediocre RBs...an old defense. This slide has been a long time coming. I don't think it's fair to pin the poor performances on Omar Epps when the roster is a mess. But, in football, that's usually how it goes. Especially when a fanbase is used to winning.
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Who is coaching at NC these days?

The Texas fans seem to have forgotten that the last time they needed a coach their drawing power was so great that they landed a man who had coached in the ACC for 10 years without winning the conference and who had a lifetime won/lost pct of 56%.
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Who is coaching at NC these days?

The Texas fans seem to have forgotten that the last time they needed a coach their drawing power was so great that they landed a man who had coached in the ACC for 10 years without winning the conference and who had a lifetime won/lost pct of 56%.

Yet still had enough wins for 2nd All Time at North Carolina. :lol:

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There's a number of cases of coaches that are doing poorly in the NFL going back to College Football... but any that are successful in the NFL?
I don't know too many coaches that would leave a successful NFL career for any CFB destination.
I find it mind boggling that they think there's a shot at a Harbaugh or even a Tomlin. The latter only has the slightest of chances if he gets fired... and even then, it's a long shot. These people have no connection whatsoever to Texas.
They're looking for an out and out mercenary... and they've just lost their shot at the only top-tier mercenary out there. The next best option for them is another DickRod type that's over-achieving at a mediocre location. Could have had a shot at Peterssn, but UW beat them to the punch on that one too.
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Whoever said Mike Gundy's name might have an idea. I'd say James Franklin might be interviewed, and probably Art Briles and Pat Fitzgerald. Gus Malzahn will probably have a bagful thrown at him. Beyond that I'm drawing a bit of a blank.
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