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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

Looks like he stepped down?


Mack Brown told the team about an hour ago that he resigned. He made the decision at 3:00 PM today More @ Horns247.com #ut #horns
7:19pm - 14 Dec 13

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OK, so the person on their forum posting the gif of Mel Gibson screaming "freedom" like it's a good thing...he does know that at that moment the individual in question was being disemboweled?

BTW, this is a whole lot more fun than last Saturday night.
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These fools really believe that they're gonna land a Harbaugh or Tomlin. I can think of only one NFL coach in recent memory to go from the NFL back to college....Saban. And that's because he was a miserable failure in the NFL.
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