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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)

Cops have recovered the getaway vehicle.

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Rutgers Students, Enough With "F--- Penn State"
On September 13th, 2014, when Rutgers hosted James Franklin and the Nittany Lions, I couldn't hear Kirk Hammett's guitar riff. Instead, it was drowned out by a loud chant of "F--- PENN STATE!"

Okay. Fine. It's a night game. The fans have been drinking tailgating for several hours, so they're a little rowdy. It's nice to see the students united and embracing what we all hope to be a fun and competitive rivalry with PSU. Not the words I would have used, but surely the chants will die down, right?

Nope. They went on for the entire game.

And they continued into the Tulane game. And the Michigan game. And the Wisconsin game. And the Indiana game.

Not even ten months away would be enough to eliminate the chants, as they were audible during last week's season opener.

Students, I say this fully aware that, just months removed from my college life, I am going to sound like the cranky octogenarian yelling at you and your friends to get off my lawn.

But this has to stop.

By chanting "F—Penn State" when we're playing, say, Norfolk State, it comes off as a bunch of immature teenagers giddy that they get to say a swear word in unison. It makes it look like Rutgers students only attend football games as an excuse to drink, be rowdy and be crass as opposed to supporting our team and being invested in whether they win or lose.
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I must be missing something here but for the life of me I can't figure out what fucking after shave has to do with Rutgers/NJ....now if it was hair care product (mousse, Brill cream whatever) I could get the Jersey Shore thing.....but Aqua Velva?
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