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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)

Middlesex County Correctional is going to have a helluva football team next season.
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Rutgers coach Kyle Flood has suspended star wide receiver Leonte Carroo from his program indefinitely.

Flood, whose program has been hit with a rash of off-the-field incidents in recent weeks, not to mention a shocking loss to Washington State on Saturday, opened his Sunday media teleconference by announcing the suspension.

"Leonte Carroo has been suspended from our program as a result of an incident that happened last night outside our stadium that's currently under investigation,'' Flood said. "Until that investigation concludes, I'll have no further comment.''

Pressed for specifics, Flood said it's "currently under investigation and I won't have any comment until that concludes.''
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Will sunj have a team left when their game vs the bucks comes around.
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Probably would be best to let go of the coach and start cleaning house at this point. When they had 5 players kicked off the team and another 5 suspended for the first game it was terrible and hes obviously not in control of his players at this point.
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Jokes about Rutgers even having a team by the time the game rolls around are getting more and more realistic as each day passes. :lol:

This is not good for anyone in the Rutgers AD. Flood almost certainly is gone after this season.
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