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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)



Then, after being told he can't contact a Professor, he goes to meet the Professor.

Of course, the hilarious part of this is that apparently all he has to do is not wear Rutgers apparel and nobody on campus will recognize he's the Rutgers football coach. :lol:
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Ok, I took the stance that Tressel should have been fired once it was clear he knowingly lied to the NCAA. Most know I am pretty far from being a Tressel apologist.

That said, how is this different than what JT did?

Although what he was trying to cover up was minor, he knew damn good and well what he has doing was against the rules and he did it anyway.

Tressel was fired and got a 5 year show cause. This guy gets a 3 game suspension and a fine?
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Ok, I took the stance that Tressel should have been fired once it was clear he knowingly lied to the NCAA. Most know I am pretty far from being a Tressel apologist.

That said, how is this different than what JT did?

Although what he was trying to cover up was minor, he knew damn good and well what he has doing was against the rules and he did it anyway.

Tressel was fired and got a 5 year show cause. This guy gets a 3 game suspension and a fine?

Because everyone can now say "At least we didn't cover up child rape."

The Pedophiles raised the sleazy-football-coach bar so high, everyone can limbo under it...
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Ok, I took the stance that Tressel should have been fired once it was clear he knowingly lied to the NCAA. Most know I am pretty far from being a Tressel apologist.

That said, how is this different than what JT did?

Although what he was trying to cover up was minor, he knew damn good and well what he has doing was against the rules and he did it anyway.

Tressel was fired and got a 5 year show cause. This guy gets a 3 game suspension and a fine?

I think it has more to do with the fact that, in contrast to the Tressel situation, allowing Flood to remain the coach is actually a form of punishment.
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