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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)

All true... (and Rutgers self reported the incident I believe, but that is indeed different than the NCAA asking Flood, have there been any unreported violations that you're aware of and him saying "no")

Having said all that... if Flood did lie to the University... one would think that situation is as untenable for Rutgers as anything else. Other than a lack of sanctions (for the act of lying), how can you keep him there. So, the impression becomes, not only do they use Aqua Velva, they've been drinking it. (How it beat out Old Spice and Skin Bracer in the blind taste test, I'll never know, but that's what we're dealing with here.)

Not to mention Brut and Hai Karate--which would both seem more apt.
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Flood actually edited the players paper himself, making grammatical corrections.

Maybe I'm misreading the bullet to which you referred, but it's seems that he suggested edits to Barnwell and then Barnwell himself made them (bolded is mine for emphasis):

• On Aug. 11, Barnwell sent Flood a draft of his paper and then sent a revised version on Aug. 12. Flood did not read the paper until the morning of Aug. 16. Flood reviewed the paper with Barnwell and suggested some "minor grammar and punctuation changes." Barnwell made the changes and filed the paper in an email to the professor at 12:46 p.m. on Aug. 16. An hour later, Flood emailed the professor to confirm the professor had received the paper.
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The editor called Wednesday following the release of the Rutgers report detailing Scarlet Knights coach Kyle Flood's Adventures in Grade Changing. He had one question: Do we need to update Cheating For Dummies?

For those who haven't read it, Cheating For Dummies is a resource I created in 2011—translation: wrote while waiting for a pork butt to finish smoking on July 4—to help those coaches who occasionally need to bend the NCAA's rules to get ahead. Major college sports were in the midst of a real cheating crisis in '11. I don't mean there was any more cheating than usual; coaches had simply forgotten how to cheat properly. Chip Kelly, viewed almost universally as a genius, paid a recruit's handler for a bogus scouting service with a $25,000 university-issued check. Who pays a handler with a check? When that came to light, every coach who ever recruited in the Southwest Conference clutched his chest. Those guys did business the old-fashioned way—with bags of cash and Trans Ams with clean titles.

After reviewing the Rutgers report and revisiting Cheating For Dummies, I can't in good conscience add to those rules. Cheating For Dummies is darn near perfect, seven commandments that guarantee a coach won't get turned into his compliance department or caught by hamfisted NCAA investigators. Those rules really do cover every eventuality.

Still, there is a new epidemic afflicting major college athletics, and it seems necessary to create another resource to help those who might be too hapless to help themselves. People keep putting their seven-figure jobs in jeopardy, and not in the typical way. It's one thing to get slapped on the hot seat or fired for losing too many games, or for hiring people who lose too many games. Yet these days, people are putting their high-dollar gigs in jeopardy for the stupidest of reasons. So, if you're a coach or athletic director in danger of Peter principle-ing yourself out of a honeypot of a job, pay attention to these five simple rules.

Cont'd ...
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The editor called Wednesday following the release of the Rutgers report detailing Scarlet Knights coach Kyle Flood's Adventures in Grade Changing. He had one question: Do we need to update Cheating For Dummies?

For those who haven't read it, Cheating For Dummies is a resource I created in 2011—translation: wrote while waiting for a pork butt to finish smoking on July 4—to help those coaches who occasionally need to bend the NCAA's rules to get ahead. Major college sports were in the midst of a real cheating crisis in '11. I don't mean there was any more cheating than usual; coaches had simply forgotten how to cheat properly. Chip Kelly, viewed almost universally as a genius, paid a recruit's handler for a bogus scouting service with a $25,000 university-issued check. Who pays a handler with a check? When that came to light, every coach who ever recruited in the Southwest Conference clutched his chest. Those guys did business the old-fashioned way—with bags of cash and Trans Ams with clean titles.

After reviewing the Rutgers report and revisiting Cheating For Dummies, I can't in good conscience add to those rules. Cheating For Dummies is darn near perfect, seven commandments that guarantee a coach won't get turned into his compliance department or caught by hamfisted NCAA investigators. Those rules really do cover every eventuality.

Still, there is a new epidemic afflicting major college athletics, and it seems necessary to create another resource to help those who might be too hapless to help themselves. People keep putting their seven-figure jobs in jeopardy, and not in the typical way. It's one thing to get slapped on the hot seat or fired for losing too many games, or for hiring people who lose too many games. Yet these days, people are putting their high-dollar gigs in jeopardy for the stupidest of reasons. So, if you're a coach or athletic director in danger of Peter principle-ing yourself out of a honeypot of a job, pay attention to these five simple rules.

Cont'd ...
5. Work for Rutgers.
Unless someone has video of all the bad stuff you've done and leaks it to ESPN, there is no way you'll get fired.

[mic drop]
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Sadly, he's a goner.. before season end.. and he has no ability to recruit now because of his tenuous spot.. would not be surprised to see Schiano back

kinda sad.. cuz everything I've ever heard about him is that he's a really good dude
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Rutgers WR Leonte Carroo charged with simple assault


Rutgers head coach Kyle Flood suspended star wideout Leonte Carroo Sunday for “an incident that occurred outside the stadium” after the Scarlet Knights’ loss to Washington State, but refused to comment further. On Monday, we found out why.

Carroo has been charged with simple assault for a domestic violence incident, as reported by Keith Sargeant of NJ.com.

Carroo’s suspension is indefinite, and he seems highly unlikely to play against Penn State on Saturday night. “I don’t anticipate any change in status as of right now,” Flood told the site, “and it would be hard for me to answer the (question about Carroo’s dismissal) until I had more details just because it’s a hypothetical right now.”

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...wr-leonte-carroo-charged-with-simple-assault/

Now this is different....

Report: Rutgers WR Carroo’s mother and girlfriend charged by police

The ugly incident that led to the suspension of Rutgers wide receiver Leonte Carroo appears to be getting uglier. MyCentralJersey.comreports today Carroo’s mother and girlfriend have been charged by Rutgers police for their alleged involvement in the incident outside Rutgers’ football stadium earlier this month that led to Carroo’s suspension.

Per the report, Lavern Carroo (mother), Maria Vega (girlfriend) and Juan Vega were each charged by the Rutgers University Police Department for simple assault and disorderly conduct. Carroo was previously charged for simple assault.
Carroo reportedly intervened in a confrontation between Maria Vega and another woman Carroo was previously involved with. The name of that woman has not been reported, but it is the alleged victim in the incident that claims she was slammed to the concrete ground by Carroo.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...roos-mother-and-girlfriend-charged-by-police/

More: http://www.northjersey.com/news/car...red-student-recounts-violent-attack-1.1411198

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Rutgers WR Leonte Carroo charged with simple assault


Rutgers head coach Kyle Flood suspended star wideout Leonte Carroo Sunday for “an incident that occurred outside the stadium” after the Scarlet Knights’ loss to Washington State, but refused to comment further. On Monday, we found out why.

Carroo has been charged with simple assault for a domestic violence incident, as reported by Keith Sargeant of NJ.com.

Carroo’s suspension is indefinite, and he seems highly unlikely to play against Penn State on Saturday night. “I don’t anticipate any change in status as of right now,” Flood told the site, “and it would be hard for me to answer the (question about Carroo’s dismissal) until I had more details just because it’s a hypothetical right now.”

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...wr-leonte-carroo-charged-with-simple-assault/

Now this is different....

Report: Rutgers WR Carroo’s mother and girlfriend charged by police

The ugly incident that led to the suspension of Rutgers wide receiver Leonte Carroo appears to be getting uglier. MyCentralJersey.comreports today Carroo’s mother and girlfriend have been charged by Rutgers police for their alleged involvement in the incident outside Rutgers’ football stadium earlier this month that led to Carroo’s suspension.

Per the report, Lavern Carroo (mother), Maria Vega (girlfriend) and Juan Vega were each charged by the Rutgers University Police Department for simple assault and disorderly conduct. Carroo was previously charged for simple assault.
Carroo reportedly intervened in a confrontation between Maria Vega and another woman Carroo was previously involved with. The name of that woman has not been reported, but it is the alleged victim in the incident that claims she was slammed to the concrete ground by Carroo.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...roos-mother-and-girlfriend-charged-by-police/

More: http://www.northjersey.com/news/car...red-student-recounts-violent-attack-1.1411198

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