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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)

Earlier Wednesday reports emerged that Ohio State defensive coordinator Chris Ash had drawn the interest of a pair of teams searching for a new head coach, Rutgers and Syracuse. Reportedly, Ash has scratched one of those schools off his to-do list.

Ash pulling his name from consideration is a clear indication that the Orange has chosen Babers, who is set to lead BGSU into Friday’s MAC championship game against Northern Illinois. While there could still be what Wolken described as “a late entry or mystery candidate,” Babers is expected to be named Syracuse’s new head coach shortly after the conference title game.

As for Ash, he’s still believed to be in play for the Rutgers job. In a twist to that job, Ash could have competition from one of his fellow OSU assistants as offensive coordinator Ed Warriner is reportedly on RU’s radar.

Both of those Urban Meyer assistants could face an uphill climb for the position, though, as former Miami head coach Al Golden is on the program’s shortlist for replacing the fired Kyle Flood, NJ Advance Media is reporting. Golden has coached extensively on the East Coast, having served stints as an assistant at Virginia and Boston College before becoming the head coach at Temple from 2006-10. Golden also played his college football at Penn State.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...yracuse-as-al-golden-is-on-rutgers-shortlist/
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Why the fuck would Rutgers want Warriner?! Didn't they watch that one third and long last Saturday where Ohio State failed to execute? Clearly the man they are looking for is Tim Beck!

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Golden would make a lot of sense... he knows Florida ... and Rutgers, for some reason, recruits very well in Florida.. probably it's proximity to New York City
Golden also lives very close to the Rutgers campus. And he only recruited FL because he coached for Miami, his recruiting ground is actually NJ and PA, notice the uptick in kids from those regions on the Miami roster. He won't be recruiting FL if he goes to Rutgers, he'd be at the catholic schools in NJ. He was honestly Miamis coach by surprise, I really think he wanted that Penn St job, but he didn't want to follow O'Brien and the pedo scandal
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Few wins but much chaos at Rutgers after move to the Big Ten - New York Times

It has been hard to pass a highway or a tollbooth in New Jersey over the past three years without a billboard declaring “Rutgers Is Big.”

Big as in Big Ten, the powerful college sports conference that the state university joined in 2014 on the promise that it would vault Rutgers into big-time academics as well as athletics. With televised games beaming into millions of homes across the country, Rutgers could draw top students and top athletes, rake in revenue to make up for money the state had cut and finally achieve the prestige that the faculty and alumni have long thought it deserved.

So far, though, Big has mostly meant big headaches.

The big payday has yet to arrive. When boosters pushed to fire the football coach after a bad season two years ago, the university could not afford to buy him out, a member of a Rutgers governing board said.
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Would they have had the money if they were in the AAC?

Theyd never have it in the AAC... they wont see the big paydays for a bit more since the conference basically has a couple year period where new members get almost nothing... but its coming. You dont join big ten for a short-term windfall.

The article seems to disprove its own narrative. Rutgers' issues predate joining the conference. The way the author talks about big time athletics and pressure to win is also a little funny after how much the media has bashed the conference for its lack of ambition. This isnt the sec.. Flood was just a bad hire that they couldnt afford to fire after the big east collapsed.
After two years getting a partial payout, the big has provided them with the liquidity to do so -- now and in the future.
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That article is terrible and the majority of the comments are completely clueless.

The massive increase in revenue from the B1G will allow Rutgers to offset most if not all o the money it is currently pulling from the academic side of the house to support athletics. Even the reduced payouts allowed them to save around $10 Million in subsidy from the academic side. That savings is going to grow significantly as the payout increases to it's full value. The benefits for Rutgers in joining the B1G are massive and well documented.

The benefits for the B1G are less certain.

Portland 1 day ago

IMO, Rutgers should embrace their position as the Vanderbilt of the Big 10. Athletic teams will uphold the school's standards of conduct and scholastic achievement, but not necessarily be exceptionally talented. The occasional team will compete with the Ohio States and Michigans, but it will not be the norm. And that's ok. Students support the team, win or lose, knowing that they are at the university to receive an education - and their education will consistently be at the top of the conference.

The Big Ten already has a 'Vanderbilt', it's called Northwestern and Rutgers is unlikely to ever rise above the lower mid-pack of the conference academically.
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