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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)

Or michigan, wisconsin, illinois, technically chicago.... Rutgers is a really good school. But thats the entire conference minus nebraska.
Again, not the sec.

Typically Vandy, Northwestern, Duke & Stanford are all grouped together because they are small private schools. Rutgers doesn't fit that model at all.

It's a decent state school with delusions of grandeur & a dumpster fire of an athletic department.
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Typically Vandy, Northwestern, Duke & Stanford are all grouped together because they are small private schools. Rutgers doesn't fit that model at all.

It's a decent state school with delusions of grandeur & a dumpster fire of an athletic department.

I object to the inclusion of Duke in that list. Not because of their academics, but because of their unparalleled douchebaggery.
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Typically Vandy, Northwestern, Duke & Stanford are all grouped together because they are small private schools. Rutgers doesn't fit that model at all.

It's a decent state school with delusions of grandeur & a dumpster fire of an athletic department.
Typically Vandy, Northwestern, Duke & Stanford are all grouped together because they are small private schools. Rutgers doesn't fit that model at all.

It's a decent state school with delusions of grandeur & a dumpster fire of an athletic department.
If I didn't read the thread title, I would've swore that you were talking about the University of Cincinnati!
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Do you even Stanford alum, Bro?

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Just watched Rutgers spring game... I was close enuf to see Coach Ashe's thoughts.. like "WTF did I do?" "what was I thinking?"
they are absolutely horrible this year.. not even Big East mediocre... they have an outstanding RB/KR (#1)
who seems to go 5'7 135 lbs and their backup QB is significantly better than their 'starter'

DL is the best unit on the team.. make that, the ONLY unit on the team.. horrible WRs

I felt bad for him
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I was just watching the new Real Sports on HBo, and they were talking about colleges spending large amounts of money to keep up with one another. Problem is, there are so many colleges with bad athletics(specifically football) and they cause negative economical effects on the rest of the schools and Rutgers was one of the schools they examined. Rutgers has spent millions of dollars on coaches(hiring and mainly firing them) and facilities trying to keep up with the B1G big boys. And it could be a detriment to the school as a whole. I'm sure Ash is another coach who will use Rutgers as a stepping stone to use as HC experience.
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