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Rutgers Scarlet Knights (official troll of PedSU)

Ok, I took the stance that Tressel should have been fired once it was clear he knowingly lied to the NCAA. Most know I am pretty far from being a Tressel apologist.

That said, how is this different than what JT did?

Although what he was trying to cover up was minor, he knew damn good and well what he has doing was against the rules and he did it anyway.

Tressel was fired and got a 5 year show cause. This guy gets a 3 game suspension and a fine?

There's several differences I can think of
1. Tressel's screwup involved official email -> FOIA; Flood deliberately attempted to subvert FOIA, still got caught
2. Tressel's players hadn't done anything illegal, just NCAA "illegal"
3. The emails that got Tressel in trouble likely violated client-attorney privilege
4. Flood actively took measures to sneak around, Tressel simply didn't report anything as he was obligated to. Tressel is guilty of noncompliance, but Flood has gone out of his way to break the rules and engineer a coverup.

There is some comparison, as the situations themselves are rather harmless. Rather it becomes about the coach' subterfuge and non-compliance. The tattoo issue was more nuanced imo. It's the players who messed up, and while Tressel is definitely guilty of willful noncompliance for not reporting - he didn't attempt to cover for them either. Here Flood is the fuckup and engaged in a coverup.
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Because everyone can now say "At least we didn't cover up child rape."

The Pedophiles raised the sleazy-football-coach bar so high, everyone can limbo under it...

Yep. As long as no children were subjected to "horseplay" on campus while everyone from the football coach to the President of the university did nothing about it, it's all good. I have not read sectalk.com for a while now, but I have occasionally checked it out in the past for the laughs. The Penn St. scandal was so beyond the pale that even the SEC uses it to justify anything and everything. At least we're not Penn St. seemed to be the standard justification in the past when I read sectalk.com and some piddly infraction like bags full of cash would be brought up.
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Ok, I took the stance that Tressel should have been fired once it was clear he knowingly lied to the NCAA. Most know I am pretty far from being a Tressel apologist.

That said, how is this different than what JT did?

Tressel lied to the NCAA; Flood lied to his university. Had Flood pulled this on the NCAA, he should be gone with a show-cause ... but so far as we know, the NCAA hasn't gotten involved in this one.
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Tressel lied to the NCAA; Flood lied to his university. Had Flood pulled this on the NCAA, he should be gone with a show-cause ... but so far as we know, the NCAA hasn't gotten involved in this one.

All true... (and Rutgers self reported the incident I believe, but that is indeed different than the NCAA asking Flood, have there been any unreported violations that you're aware of and him saying "no")

Having said all that... if Flood did lie to the University... one would think that situation is as untenable for Rutgers as anything else. Other than a lack of sanctions (for the act of lying), how can you keep him there. So, the impression becomes, not only do they use Aqua Velva, they've been drinking it. (How it beat out Old Spice and Skin Bracer in the blind taste test, I'll never know, but that's what we're dealing with here.)

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Tressel lied to the NCAA; Flood lied to his university. Had Flood pulled this on the NCAA, he should be gone with a show-cause ... but so far as we know, the NCAA hasn't gotten involved in this one.
Tressel got busted because he signed the annual statement from the NCAA saying nothing bad was happening with his knowledge. I have to assume Flood signs that same document every year.
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Tressel lied to the NCAA; Flood lied to his university. Had Flood pulled this on the NCAA, he should be gone with a show-cause ... but so far as we know, the NCAA hasn't gotten involved in this one.

I get the distinction between university and NCAA but, as far as I can see, he was lying to his university about something he knew to be an NCAA rule violation.

Letter of the law different, not so sure about the spirit of the whole thing.
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It's my belief that if you don't come out with your NCAA violations, then you're actively covering them up. Switch schools a bit west, and if you aren't reporting that there's a child molester on your campus, you're covering up for him.

Flood absolutely should be fired before his 3-game suspension is completed, or the NCAA should be ready to blast Rutgers in the face with some sanctions. Give Rutgers the chance to fire him first, though. Maybe Rutgers can get out of this without any sanctions, if they handle this properly.
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It's my belief that if you don't come out with your NCAA violations, then you're actively covering them up. Switch schools a bit west, and if you aren't reporting that there's a child molester on your campus, you're covering up for him.

Flood absolutely should be fired before his 3-game suspension is completed, or the NCAA should be ready to blast Rutgers in the face with some sanctions. Give Rutgers the chance to fire him first, though. Maybe Rutgers can get out of this without any sanctions, if they handle this properly.

Philosophical question; If Rutgers were given scholarship restrictions, would anyone notice?
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I was unaware that what Flood did violated NCAA rules. Thought it was just a violation of university policy.

Flood actually edited the players paper himself, making grammatical corrections.

As f'ed up as it may sound that a coach cannot tutor his own player who has come to him for help, the NCAA is pretty clear on academic assistance provided to SAs to keep them eligible, which is 100% what Flood did here.
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