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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)

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Report: Clemens' attorney hires private eyes to study McNamee

Roger Clemens' lawyer has hired private investigators in an attempt to challenge the credibility of Brian McNamee, who has claimed to have injected Clemens with steroids, a lawyer familiar with the matter told The New York Times.

McNamee told former Sen. George Mitchell that he injected Clemens with steroids while Clemens was pitching for the Toronto Blue Jays and New York Yankees. Clemens, the biggest star named in Mitchell's report on performance-enhancing drug use in baseball, has denied ever using steroids or human growth hormone, saying the report is "simply not true."

Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin, said Wednesday he would conduct his own investigation into the allegations against the seven-time Cy Young Award winner. He claimed that Mitchell had failed to interview some key people who know Clemens and McNamee, though Hardin has declined to identify those people.

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Clemens 'swears' in interview he's never used banned substances

Roger Clemens says he was injected with "lidocaine and B-12" and not steroids or human growth hormone by former trainer Brian McNamee, according to a portion of an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" released Thursday.
"Lidocaine and [vitamin] B-12. It's for my joints, and B-12 I still take today," Clemens told Mike Wallace in the interview, which is scheduled to be shown Sunday night. It is Clemens' first interview since the release of the Mitchell report in December.

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Jan 7, 4:36 AM EST

Report: Clemens Sues Accuser McNamee
AP Baseball Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- Roger Clemens beat Brian McNamee to court, filing a defamation suit against his former trainer, according to the Houston Chronicle.
Clemens filed the suit Sunday night, just before his interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" was about to air, the paper reported on its Web site early Monday. Clemens claims McNamee was threatened with jail if he didn't connect the pitcher to steroids, according to the suit, the Chronicle reported.
"All of McNamee's accusations are false and defamatory per se," the lawsuit said, according to the Chronicle. "They injured Clemens' reputation and exposed him to public hatred, contempt, ridicule, and financial injury. McNamee made the allegations with actual malice, knowing they were false."
Clemens, who was scheduled to hold a late afternoon news conference Monday in Houston, asked the Harris County civil courts to declare that he has not defamed McNamee, the paper said.
The seven-time Cy Young Award winner sounded indignant and defiant in his first interview since McNamee accused him of using steroids and human growth hormone, setting up a potential confrontation if the pair testify under oath at a Jan. 16 hearing on Capitol Hill.
The most prominent player implicated in last month's Mitchell Report, Clemens steadfastly maintained his innocence and called McNamee's allegations "totally false."

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starBUCKS;1059282; said:
What do you guys make of this. Clemens is a slimeball. Macabee never says that Roger didn't use. He says "What do you want me to do?" .... uh, good tape Roger.

Now there is a rumor that Macabee is thinking about filing a countersuit against Roger. This is better then any made for tv show thats come out in a few years. The tape that Roger used as his main proving point, did little else but confirm that Macabees son is a huge Clemens fan. I can not wait until January 16th when they both have to testify in front of congress. I get the feeling someones going to end up going to jail after that for perjury.
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Report: Mitchell tried to contact Clemens twice before report

ESPN.com news services

Updated: January 14, 2008, 11:08 AM ET

Former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell twice tried to talk to Roger Clemens about his alleged steroid use included in his report before its release, USA Today reported Monday.
Mitchell twice sent letters to the Major League Baseball Players' Association requesting to speak to players who would be mentioned in his report into illegal use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball. The letters included the dates of their alleged steroid use and the teams they played for when they allegedly used performance enhancers.

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Congress wants Clemens deposition

Roger Clemens was asked by Congress to submit to a deposition or transcribed interview Jan. 26, more than two weeks before the House hearing where the pitcher and his former trainer, Brian McNamee, are to testify.
Letters were sent to Clemens, McNamee and three other people by House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Henry Waxman and ranking Republican Tom Davis.
The letters ask the witnesses to meet with committee staff on specific dates leading up to the panel's scheduled Feb. 13 hearing.

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So much for he said/he said

McNamee gives vials, syringes, gauze pads to investigators

NEW YORK -- Brian McNamee gave federal prosecutors syringes and other physical evidence his lawyers say back the personal trainer's allegations of drug use by Roger Clemens, who returns to Capitol Hill on Thursday in hopes of rebutting the accusations.

Clemens, who gave a deposition Tuesday, is scheduled to hold one-on-one meetings with members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

A spokeswoman for Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), a committee member, said a representative for Clemens contacted Cummings' office Wednesday to set up a meeting with the lawmaker.

Cummings spokeswoman Jen Kohl said several other committee members were also asked to meet individually after the report that McNamee had given federal prosecutors physical evidence surfaced.

Cummings is expected to meet with Clemens on Thursday morning. Kohl said Clemens would be asked to appear with Cummings at a press conference after the session, though she said it's doubtful he'd accept the invitation.
A source told The Associated Press that Clemens is also scheduled to meet with Rep. Tom Davis, the committee's ranking Republican. Committee chairman Henry Waxman is not scheduled to meet with Clemens.
On Wednesday evening, a representative of Clemens said that the pitcher was not scheduling additional meetings just to refute McNamee's latest allegations.

"Roger has been interested in sitting down one-on-one with members of the committee for quite awhile," said Lanny Breuer, one of Clemens' lawyers. "We began scheduling these meetings before we heard about Mr. McNamee's latest stunt."

McNamee is due to meet with committee staff Thursday morning to give his own deposition, and his legal team said it will bolster his story with details of the evidence.

His side turned over gauze pads and syringes they said had Clemens' blood to IRS Special Agent Jeff Novitzky in early January, a person familiar with the evidence said, speaking on condition of anonymity because McNamee's lawyers did not want to discuss details publicly. The syringes were used to inject Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone, the person said. A second person, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the evidence was from 2000 and 2001.

if true - :slappy:

ESPN - McNamee gives vials, syringes, gauze pads to investigators - MLB
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Why would he keep syringes and gauze pads for 7 years? Were these destined for eBay at some point? Blackmail?

How credible will this evidence be? How easy is it to manufacture? Get ready for some CSI shit
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methomps;1085946; said:
Why would he keep syringes and gauze pads for 7 years? Were these destined for eBay at some point? Blackmail?

How credible will this evidence be? How easy is it to manufacture? Get ready for some CSI shit


But I'm amazed this step hasn't been actually attempted before with the others (Gary Matthews, Barry Bonds, Gary Sheffield, Mark McGwire, etc).....

It's also interesting that McNamee didn't offer this stuff up during the Mitchell investigation in the first place too....
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