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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)


Clemens' act has worn thin


AP Sports Columnist

CHICAGO - On what feels like Day 175 of the Rocket Watch, Roger Clemens threw batting practice and pronounced himself almost ready for the major leagues.
This is getting old. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm tired of Clemens' act and wish he would go away. Pitch or don't pitch. Holding a handful of teams hostage while he takes until May to decide what he wants to do, then wrangling a cushy contract that puts him above the game has gotten annoying.
Nobody is worth this kind of angst, not even a seven-time Cy Young Award winner who still has a flame-thrower for an arm at 44.

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Clemens delivers a win in his return

Sunday, June 10, 2007 3:59 AM
By Mike Fitzpatrick

Associated press

NEW YORK -- Roger Clemens shook off some early struggles and gave the surging New York Yankees the lift they were looking for, leading them to a 9-3 win yesterday over the Pittsburgh Pirates in his long-awaited season debut.

"It's just great to be back," Clemens said. "It felt like old times."
Pitching in pinstripes for the first time in four years, Clemens labored through the first few innings but got more effective as the afternoon wore on. He struck out seven in six innings and retired his final seven batters. Clemens fanned Ryan Doumit with his 108th and final pitch.
"It was awesome," Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez said. "I think all 24 guys were a little bit in awe. It was great."

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Clemens 1st since 1963 to earn 350 wins


Associated Press

NEW YORK - Now that Roger Clemens has his 350th win, Alex Rodriguez and the New York Yankees are worried about a more mundane number: 15 days on the disabled list. Clemens reached a rare milestone with a vintage performance, pitching eight innings of two-hit ball to lead New York past the Minnesota Twins 5-1 on Monday night.

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FYI.....it is official Roger Clemens is no more than an average MLB pitcher. I watched the game tonight and his velocity is average, his location is average and no one is intimidated anymore. 2-4? I'm glad I didn't pay for that record and the 4.20 ERA. When A-Rod (Rivera, Posada?) leaves after this year the Yankees will be mediocre and old, not a great combo.
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The Man;881643; said:
FYI.....it is official Roger Clemens is no more than an average MLB pitcher. I watched the game tonight and his velocity is average, his location is average and no one is intimidated anymore. 2-4? I'm glad I didn't pay for that record and the 4.20 ERA. When A-Rod (Rivera, Posada?) leaves after this year the Yankees will be mediocre and old, not a great combo.
Aren't they already mediocre and old?
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Scandel in the making?

Left Bed In Clemens, Pettitte's Shared Hotel Room Clearly Unused

KANSAS CITY?One of the beds in the hotel room occupied by Yankee pitchers and offseason workout partners Andy Pettitte and Roger Clemens was left completely untouched during the first night of the team's four-game road series, sources at the Embassy Suites in Kansas City reported early Tuesday morning.

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Source says information on Clemens will be in Mitchell's report

A former New York Yankee strength trainer says information he provided to the George Mitchell investigation regarding supplying Roger Clemens with steroids is included in the Mitchell report scheduled to be released later today, a source close to the trainer told ESPN The Magazine's Shaun Assael.

Brian McNamee, who worked for the Yankees and as a personal trainer for Clemens and Yankee teammates Andy Pettitte, also told investigators that on at least one occasion, Clemens was in possession of steroids from another supplier, the source said.

The source said McNamee told investigators he supplied Clemens with steroids while Clemens was witih the Yankees, and prior to Clemens joining the team.
Also, The Bergen (N.J.) Record, citing a baseball industry official, says "several" prominent Yankees will be named in the Mitchell report. The paper said the source spoke to a third party who had seen the final report.
"It's going to be a rough day in the Bronx," the paper quoted the source as saying.

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tibor75;1027338; said:
An aging star plays better in his 40s than in his early 30s and we're supposed to believe it was because of his amazing training regimen? :roll1:

Nobody believes it for Bonds. Why should we believe it for Clemens?

I'm anxious to see all of the sportswriters that said they will not vote for Bonds for the HOF, if they'll do the same for Clemens.
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