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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)


Lawyer: Photos prove Clemens' drug use

McNamee provides what his attorneys say is evidence against Clemens during a deposition.

Associated Press

Friday, February 08, 2008
WASHINGTON ? Roger Clemens spent Thursday going door-to-door on Capitol Hill, lobbying congressmen investigating whether he used drugs. His accuser, Brian McNamee, gave a seven-hour deposition behind closed doors, and the trainer's lawyers presented photographs of evidence they said prove the star pitcher was injected with steroids.
McNamee headed straight for an exit, not speaking a word to reporters, when he emerged from his interview with lawyers from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. His attorneys wouldn't discuss the deposition, but they did talk about two color photographs they showed the committee for the first time.

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MLB: Steroids report
Clemens lobbies Congress Pitcher talks to several lawmakers, denying he took banned drugs
Published on Friday, Feb 08, 2008

Associated Press

WASHINGTON: Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee brought their vastly different stories to Capitol Hill on Thursday, when the star pitcher met one-on-one with congressmen informally and his former personal trainer met with House lawyers for a sworn deposition.
The seven-time Cy Young Award winner's denials of McNamee's allegations in the Mitchell Report about drug use drew Congress' attention.
McNamee did not speak to reporters on his way into the offices of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. On another floor in the Rayburn House Office Building, Clemens made brief comments as he walked through marble hallways to go to various offices of representatives on the committee. Clemens and McNamee were accompanied by lawyers.
''I'm just glad they made time in their schedule so I can go by and talk to them today,'' Clemens said shortly before stepping through the wood double doors to the office of Rep. Tom Davis, the committee's ranking Republican.
Clemens met with Davis and committee chairman Henry Waxman for about 20 minutes, then signed an autograph for a bystander upon exiting.

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McNamee told investigators he injected Clemens' wife with HGH

WASHINGTON -- It's become a daily routine: A new element of Brian McNamee's "I injected Roger Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone" story emerges -- and Clemens' attorneys call the pitcher's former personal trainer a liar.
The latest, and quite possibly oddest, twist involves Clemens' wife.
McNamee told congressional investigators he injected Debbie Clemens with HGH -- at the seven-time Cy Young Award winner's direction -- before the couple posed for a 2003 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition photo shoot, a lawyer familiar with his testimony said Friday.

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Clemens, McNamee Focus of Hearing

AP Sports Writers
WASHINGTON ? Now this much is undeniable: Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee will be the focus of Wednesday's congressional hearing about the Mitchell Report. "I guess it's showtime, isn't it?" said Clemens' lead lawyer, Rusty Hardin.
Clemens, the accused, and McNamee, his accuser, will be the main witnesses at the public hearing after the New York Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte and two others were dropped Monday night.
Former Clemens teammate Chuck Knoblauch and convicted steroids distributor Kirk Radomski also were taken off the list of those testifying. One new witness was added Monday: a lawyer who worked with former Senate majority leader George Mitchell to produce December's report on drugs in baseball.
But everyone surely will be focusing on Clemens, a seven-time Cy Young Award winner, and McNamee, his former personal trainer. McNamee said in the Mitchell Report that he injected Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone at least 16 times in 1998, 2000 and 2001. Clemens' denials of those allegations drew the attention of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

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Rocker: Rangers Advised on Steroids Use

ATLANTA ? John Rocker claims he flunked a drug test ordered by Major League Baseball in 2000 and that he, Alex Rodriguez and other Texas Rangers were advised by management and union doctors following a spring training lecture on how to effectively use steroids.
"Bud Selig knew in the year 2000 John Rocker was taking the juice," the former pitcher said Monday of the baseball commissioner on Atlanta radio station 680. "Didn't do anything about it."
Rocker was suspended for the first 14 days of the 2000 season by Selig for making racial and ethnic remarks the commissioner deemed insensitive. The penalty, originally set to cover 28 days, was reduced by an arbitrator following a grievance.

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Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee should play Moment of Truth' instead, says The Plain Dealer's Bud Shaw

Tuesday, February 12, 2008Bud Shaw
Plain Dealer Columnist
It's time to get the real story out of Roger Clemens or Brian McNamee. High time.
The time is now because never before has an interrogation by one man offered so much hope for transparency and resolution.
I'm not talking about Clemens and McNamee testifying under oath in front of U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman on Wednesday.
I'm talking about taking it to the next level. ASAP. I'm talking about "Moment of Truth," Mark Wahlberg presiding.
Yep. A "reality" game show. As Wednesday's hearing is sure to show, public humiliation is the only remaining chance for clarity.
Oath? Guess that's an old-fashioned concept. Lawyers for Clemens and McNamee both suggest their clients are Honest Abes coming to the table bearing their same old stories.
McNamee will say he injected Clemens 16 times. Seventeen if you count all the Clemens, including wife Debbie who admitted she was anxious when asked by Sports Illustrated to pose for the 2003 swimsuit issue. He'll offer bloody gauze pads and syringes in a crushed can that just happened to be lying around in his basement for seven or eight years.

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[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]McNamee Says Clemens Had More Injections[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][FONT=Verdana,Sans-Serif][/FONT] Feb 13, 10:29 AM (ET)

By RONALD BLUM and HOWARD FENDRICH[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]WASHINGTON (AP) - Brian McNamee injected Roger Clemens with performance-enhancing drugs more often than he previously claimed, the pitcher's former personal trainer said in a prepared statement, released Wednesday before the start of their high-stakes testimony before Congress.
"I have helped taint our national pastime," McNamee said.
Clemens has denied the accusations that became public in December's Mitchell Report. The seven-time Cy Young award winner repeated those denials under oath to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
"I have never used steroids, human growth hormone, or any other type of illegal performance enhancing drugs," Clemens said, also in a prepared statement. "No matter what we discuss here today, I am never going to have my name restored. I know that a lot of people want me to say that I have taken steroids and be done with it. But I cannot in good conscience admit to doing something that I did not do; even if it would be easier to do so."
McNamee told baseball investigator George Mitchell that he injected Clemens 16 to 21 times with steroids and human growth hormone from 1998-01. McNamee also said that Yankees teammates Andy Pettitte and Chuck Knoblauch used HGH.
"I have had that opportunity to think about these events and consider the specific drug regimens we used," McNamee said. "As a result, I now believe that the number of times I injected Roger Clemens and Chuck Knoblauch was greater than I initially stated."
McNamee also attacked the credibility of Clemens, with whom he worked closely for many years.


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Clemens pressed by Congress, denies accusations by Pettitte, McNamee

td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }By RONALD BLUM
and HOWARD FENDRICH, AP Sports Writers
February 13, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Roger Clemens struggled to find the right words under questioning during a congressional hearing Wednesday and denied new accounts of drug use made against him by former teammate and close friend Andy Pettitte.
Using words like "misremembered" and mispronouncing the last name of his chief accuser, Brian McNamee, Clemens rambled and stumbled during his early remarks on Capitol Hill.



WASHINGTON - FEBRUARY 13: Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens testifies about allegations of steroid use by professional ball players before the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Capitol Hill February 13, 2008 in Washington, DC. The 'Mitchell Report' named several former and current major league baseball players, including Clemens, who are accused of using steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
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Some of the congressional reps make you wonder how they got elected. One guy asked Roger what cap he'd wear to the Hall of Fame - Roger declined to answer that one.

But there were a couple of dramatic moments in the committee hearings today.

The committee spent some time on the '98 Canseco party, and whether Clemens attended. There were the baseball game tapes from that night saying that Clemens wasn't there, Clemens has said that he wasn't there, and had a receipt from the golf course clubhouse with an 8:58 a.m. timestamp, implying that if he then played 18 holes he wouldn't have been able to make it to Canseco's for a lunchtime party. Canseco had stated in an affadavit that Clemens wasn't there, while McNamee said this morning that he remembers a woman wearing a bathing suit of certain colors (peach and another one I don't recall) with a child, and he asked somebody who that was. He was told it was the Clemens nanny, and shortly thereafter he saw Mrs. Clemens and Roger join the nanny and kid(s).

I'm thinking: "They need to talk to that nanny." Later in the day, they said that they had a deposition from the nanny taken earlier this week. She said that Mrs. Clemens and the kids were actually staying overnight at Canseco's house on that trip to Florida, and that Roger also showed up at the house.

Then they talked about the fact that the committee asked Clemens and his attorneys to help them locate the nanny last Friday, and that they didn't give them her location and phone number until Monday. Meanwhile, they flew her to Houston and talked to her on Sunday, during which time Clemens talked about the Canseco party and then let her know she should "tell the truth".

Waxman, the committee chair, wasn't too pleased that Clemens and his laywers talked to the witness prior to giving the committee the ability to contact her. Waxman was lecturing Clemens about the situation when his lawyers both stood up and started talking, and Waxman reminded them that the committee meeting's rules allowed them to advise their client, but not to object or address the committee. Both lawyers were very hot under the collar at the time.

At the end, Waxman was summarizing what had transpired, and mentioned Pettitte's HGH testimony which conflicted with Clemens' testimony. Roger interrupted him and said "he could be mistaken in that" or words to that effect, and Waxman banged the gavel and said that it wasn't a time that Clemens was allowed to speak.

After the meetings were over, Waxman told reporters outside the hearing room that today's hearings were held only because Clemens insisted on it. Shortly thereafter, both of Clemens's lawyers stated that that wasn't true.
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OH10;1091286; said:
Am I the only one thinking "we gotta see what this nanny looked like in a bathing suit?"

So far, they've protected her identity. Clemens's' attorneys stated that she had a relative in another country killed, and that she's leery of governement. I'm guessing she's from a Latin American country.

[Just my opinion] I think that Clemens is lying about steroids and/or HGH, but I don't think the feds will be able to prove it (since McNamee is the main witness and he could be shredded on cross-examination); and the physical evidence of the syringes, even if they are found to contain Clemens's DNA and Wistrol/testosterone and/or HGH in the same syringe, will most probably never be admissable in court. I also think that the feds will realize that it wouldn't be prudent to pursue a perjury case against Clemens.

I also think Clemens was a fool to pursue the case like he did, rather than making a statement like Pettitte did. His election to the Hall of Fame is now extremely doubtful. [/just my opinion]
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