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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)

Congress again raises sports drug law - Yahoo! News

yahoo.com said:
Congress again raises sports drug law

WASHINGTON - Once again, professional sports and their leaders were hauled up to Capitol Hill on Wednesday by lawmakers who say they might try once again to legislate drug-testing policies for U.S. leagues.

Facing a House subcommittee that also held hearings on steroids in 2005, commissioners sat side-by-side with their sport's union chief: Bud Selig was inches away from Donald Fehr; the NBA's David Stern was next to Billy Hunter. Then there was the NFL's Roger Goodell and Gene Upshaw, and the NHL's Gary Bettman and Paul Kelly, who rounded out the day's first set of witnesses.

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Clemens has given feds plenty to work with

Depending on how all this shakes out, some lucky warden might have one helluva prison baseball team.
Barry Bonds at DH. Miguel Tejada at shortstop. Roger Clemens on the mound. Knowing Bonds, he'd insist on solitary confinement and never warm up with the rest of the cons, but what else is new?
Anyway, this is what happens when the feds think you've lied to them. They go Terminator on you and don't stop until you're getting deloused in a holding cell.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Susan Walsh
Roger Clemens as he faced a congressional committee on Feb. 13.

Bonds has been charged with four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice. His defense team wants the case dismissed because there was a typo in the government's recent legal filing. If that doesn't work, Bonds' lawyers will accuse the feds of ampersand laundering.
Tejada is the subject of a preliminary federal inquiry into allegations that he lied to a congressional committee. The Houston Astros, who collect these guys like baseball cards, immediately announced plans for a "Plea Bargain Night" promotion.
Clemens, who is used to pinstripes, is next on the Justice Department's to-do list. On Wednesday, Congress asked the agency to investigate whether Clemens "committed perjury and made knowingly false statements."
Clemens has only himself to blame. In less than three months, Clemens has y'all-ed his way into more corners than a folded flag.
Remember a movie last year called "Reservation Road"? The poster tagline read: "To find the truth, you have to find who's hiding it."
Clemens hid the truth. He didn't hide it very well, which is why IRS special agent Jeff Novitzky of BALCO fame is now Clemens' worst nightmare. Let the lip licking begin.
Novitzky is a grinder who has already put away Olympian Marion Jones and former NFL defensive player of the year Dana Stubblefield. So the idea that Clemens will "eat his lunch," as Team Clemens attorney Rusty Hardin so ham-handedly put it, is beyond hilarious. Clemens got his clock cleaned by little, gavel-waving Rep. Henry Waxman of California. Just wait until Novitzky starts dumpster diving into his life.

Entire article: ESPN - Clemens has given feds plenty to work with - Columnist
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Rocket glares when asked questions about steroids

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 3:10 AM
By Chris Duncan

Associated Press

KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- Roger Clemens arrived at the Houston Astros' minor-league clubhouse yesterday and walked straight to a fenced-in bullpen to greet his oldest son, Koby, a catcher in the Astros' system.

He snapped at a photographer who started clicking pictures.
"This isn't a zoo!" Clemens barked.
The seven-time Cy Young Award winner was calmer a few minutes later but refused to answer questions about the Mitchell Report or a possible criminal investigation into his denials of steroid use.
"Everything has been said that needs to be said on that," Clemens said. "I think you ought to be asking baseball questions. I think it's time
to move on and get on with baseball."

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Astros owner will wait and see on results of probe

Associated Press

Updated: February 28, 2008, 11:28 AM ET

KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- Roger Clemens' 10-year personal services contract with the Houston Astros could be affected by a possible perjury investigation into whether he lied to Congress about using steroids.
Astros owner Drayton McLane said Thursday he might reconsider the deal -- which kicks in when the star pitcher officially retires -- in light of Clemens' legal issues.
"That makes it more complex, it sure does," McLane said. "We'll just have to look at that and see what transpires. We'll have to evaluate it at the time."

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NJ-Buckeye;1102820; said:
Roger Clemens prepping for his next non-baseball contract


My, my. Just two posts later and NJBuck seems like a prophet! :slappy:

MD Buckeye;1103014; said:
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FBI opens probe into Clemens' testimony on Mitchell report

Associated Press

Updated: February 28, 2008, 3:45 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- The FBI has begun investigating whether Roger Clemens lied to Congress when he denied taking steroids, officials said Thursday in the case of another baseball star snared in a long-running inquiry into drug use by professional athletes.

Clemens, the All-Star pitcher and seven-time Cy Young Award winner, maintains he has never used steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs. His former personal trainer, Brian McNamee, claims otherwise, testifying that he injected Clemens with human growth hormones and steroids at least 16 to 21 times from 1998 to 2001.

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ESPN - Lawyers for McNamee intend to capitalize on allegations of Clemens' affair - MLB
ESPN.com said:
Lawyers for McNamee intend to capitalize on allegations of Clemens' affair

NEW YORK -- Saying "all is fair game," lawyers for Roger Clemens' former personal trainer Brian McNamee say they intend to capitalize on allegations of an extra-marital affair involving Clemens and a country music singer in defending a defamation suit Clemens filed against McNamee.

The New York Daily News, citing "several" unnamed sources, reported on its Web site Sunday night that Clemens and country singer Mindy McCready had a decade-long affair. Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin, said Clemens and McCready had a friendship and nothing more.

"If true, it's just another example of Roger's pervasive prevarications which will be at the core of any defamation case," said McNamee's attorney, Richard Emery, in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

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Report: Clemens had relationship with Mindy McCready - AOL News

Associated PressPosted: 2008-04-29 02:00:23
NEW YORK (AP) - Roger Clemens had a decade-long relationship with
country star Mindy McCready that began when she was a 15-year-old
aspiring singer and the pitcher was a Boston Red Sox ace, the Daily News reported.

"I cannot refute anything in the story," McCready told the newspaper
in a story posted on its Web site Monday night.

"I have known Roger Clemens for a long time," she said, without
detailing the nature of their relationship.
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Clemens says relationship with singer wasn't sexual

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:58 AM

NEW YORK -- Roger Clemens had a decade-long relationship with country music star Mindy McCready that began when she was a 15-year-old aspiring singer and the pitcher was a Boston Red Sox ace, the New York Daily News reported. Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin, confirmed a long-term relationship but told the newspaper it was not sexual.
"Mindy McCready is a longtime family friend of Roger Clemens and the Clemens family," Hardin said in a statement yesterday. "At no time did Roger engage in any kind of inappropriate or improper relationship with her. It is unfortunate that the Daily News has chosen to report anonymous allegations that are completely unfounded, have no basis in fact, and have nothing to do with Roger's baseball career or the issue of steroid use in baseball."

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