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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)

Well you see, uhh, Dog years did not apply to my dog because to tell you the truth, I got this dog from Mike Piazza. I'm sure that it was actually part dog, part human coming from that freak show. So no, 14 years is 14 years. Any further questions will have to be sent in a week in advance and not about steroids taken by me....or my wife.
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Mistrial ruled in Roger Clemens case

The judge presiding over Roger Clemens' perjury trial declared a mistrial over inadmissible evidence shown to jurors.
"Government counsel should have been more cautious," Walton said, raising his voice and noting that the case has already cost a lot of taxpayer money. He then left the courtroom and said he would go consult with a colleague on what to do.

Entire article: http://espn.go.com/mlb/story/_/id/6768625/roger-clemens-trial-judge-declares-mistrial
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