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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)

buckeyefool;1152198; said:
Yeah he was probally banging the hot version of her, not the druggie ex con that she has become in the last few years


[Jeffcat]You mean the 15 year old version?[/Jeffcat]
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Notice the only guys getting run through the tractor gears in this mess are the ones who try and flat deny everything? The guys who fessed up said they did it, it was a mistake and lets move on leave you nothing to go after. Anyone seen the details of Andy Petitt's life splashed all over the internet? I haven't.

Bonds, Rose and Clemens all had their ego's write checks their ass couldn't cover and decided to deny all the way to the bitter end. They all consequently had every aspect of the personal lives laid bare to the public. Now we(and his wife) know Roger was a pedophile, a chronic adulterer and his freaky ass wife took HGH....all because he thought he could lie and get away with it.

He brought every ounce of this shit on himself and I don't feel the least bit sorry for Clemens. If he has anyone left who actually cares about him they need to take the shovel away and make him stop digging the hole. It's beyond deep enough for one lifetime.
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Jaxbuck;1152216; said:
Notice the only guys getting run through the tractor gears in this mess are the ones who try and flat deny everything? The guys who fessed up said they did it, it was a mistake and lets move on leave you nothing to go after. Anyone seen the details of Andy Petitt's life splashed all over the internet? I haven't.

Bonds, Rose and Clemens all had their ego's write checks their ass couldn't cover and decided to deny all the way to the bitter end. They all consequently had every aspect of the personal lives laid bare to the public. Now we(and his wife) know Roger was a pedophile, a chronic adulterer and his freaky ass wife took HGH....all because he thought he could lie and get away with it.

He brought every ounce of this shit on himself and I don't feel the least bit sorry for Clemens. If he has anyone left who actually cares about him they need to take the shovel away and make him stop digging the hole. It's beyond deep enough for one lifetime.

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BucyrusBuckeye;1152355; said:
Roger is my Man! ich , gets women, and he won't get anything out of this except maybe some bad pub, and with his money , he doesn't care.

He and Pete Rose can compare notes. He gives a shit about Cooperstown, and it is potentially slipping away from him. Oh, he cares all right.
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Gatorubet;1152365; said:
He and Pete Rose can compare notes. He gives a shit about Cooperstown, and it is potentially slipping away from him. Oh, he cares all right.

If they show in open court that he was banging a 15 year old (pretty much sounds like she confirmed it) on top of the steroid stuff he and Pete can make plans to go open their own HOF because neither one is getting into the real one while they are alive.

Forget gambling on baseball, people are real peculiar abut the whole pedophile in the Hall thing. Clemens is working on setting a new standard by which all other "he's got HOF stats BUT..." athletes are measured.

I'd say there is a better chance of Pac Man Jones doing a Disney commercial than The Rocket getting into Cooperstown at this point.
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Jaxbuck;1152377; said:
I'd say there is a better chance of Pac Man Jones doing a Disney commercial than The Rocket getting into Cooperstown at this point.

It saves us the bullshit drama about what cap he'd wear to his HOF ceremony. :tongue2:

I also thought that she said the sexual relationship was true, but it only started after she was 18.
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Jaxbuck;1152377; said:
I'd say there is a better chance of Pac Man Jones doing a Disney commercial than The Rocket getting into Cooperstown at this point.

I'm not so sure about that.

Since Clemens hasn't (yet) been actually convicted of anything and the Commissioner just recently gave all the steroid users mentioned in the Mitchell Report a "free pass" of no punishment (i.e. he won't be banned from baseball); in my opinion, Clemens will eventually be voted in.

With Pac Man's criminal record, he will never be offered a Disney commercial.
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