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Roger Clemens (Official Thread)

BB73;1091300; said:
So far, they've protected her identity. Clemens's' attorneys stated that she had a relative in another country killed, and that she's leery of governement. I'm guessing she's from a Latin American country.

[Just my opinion] I think that Clemens is lying about steroids and/or HGH, but I don't think the feds will be able to prove it (since McNamee is the main witness and he could be shredded on cross-examination); and the physical evidence of the syringes, even if they are found to contain Clemens's DNA and Wistrol/testosterone and/or HGH in the same syringe, will most probably never be admissable in court. I also think that the feds will realize that it wouldn't be prudent to pursue a perjury case against Clemens.

I also think Clemens was a fool to pursue the case like he did, rather than making a statement like Pettitte did. His election to the Hall of Fame is now extremely doubtful. [/just my opinion]

I agree.

Two random thoughts: Why on earth did one of the congressman ask Clemens what hat he was going to wear into the HOF? And if that question is relevant, could someonoe please ask Clemens if he knew the bat he threw at Piazza was not, in fact, a baseball?

Other random thought: One congresswoman told Clemens that she was certain he would be going to heaven. WTF?????
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BuckeyeMike80;1085950; said:

But I'm amazed this step hasn't been actually attempted before with the others (Gary Matthews, Barry Bonds, Gary Sheffield, Mark McGwire, etc).....

It's also interesting that McNamee didn't offer this stuff up during the Mitchell investigation in the first place too....

Agree, all very odd. The point I keep finding myself coming back to (right or wrong) though is, "what does McNamee have to gain by lying"?

He didn't get a deal from the federal gov't (apparently) to testify against RC, so why make it up? Supposedly no book deal in place, so why make it up?

I know this is rather poor logic, but I keep finding myself coming back to it.
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Steroid investigation
Clemens, accuser spar on the Hill
Who's telling the truth? No concrete evidence either way
Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:35 AM
By Don Walker

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Pablo Martinez Monsivais Associated Press
Roger Clemens, right, and his former personal trainer, Brian McNamee, are separated by an attorney on the Mitchell Report staff while being sworn in.

WASHINGTON -- One congressman suggested that a key eyewitness to baseball's steroid era was a drug dealer. Another fell just short of calling Roger Clemens, one of baseball's greatest pitchers, a liar.
Yet after more than 4 1/2 hours of often heated, withering and ultimately damaging testimony yesterday that left no one untainted, including the sport itself, there appeared to be little clarity on the key question of whether Clemens, a seven-time Cy Young Award winner, used steroids and human growth hormone during his 24-year career.
If members of Congress were hoping for a Law & Order moment in which the accused blurts out the truth under oath, they didn't get it.

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Rob Oller commentary: Clemens saga with trainer familiar story

Friday, February 15, 2008 3:13 AM
By Rob Oller


Plug your nose, another locker room has failed the stink test. Not because it reeks of sweat, but because it smells like trouble.
This clubhouse stench is all too familiar, the odor of an unhealthy relationship between a professional athlete and his jock-sniffing lackey.
In this case, it's Roger Clemens and his former personal trainer Brian McNamee, who were joined at the hip by more than a hypodermic needle. Where Clemens went, McNamee followed, at the pitcher's invitation. Where McNamee went, Clemens didn't care to know, as long as the Rocket -- and his wife, apparently -- benefited from it. Not so much friendship as user-ship.

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Yogi Berra Museum yanks Clemens jersey

Sunday, February 17, 2008 3:29 AM

LITTLE FALLS, N.J. -- Roger Clemens' jersey was tossed from the Yogi Berra Museum. Museum director David Kaplan said yesterday that the museum had removed the jersey last week from a display honoring Yankees teams of the late 1990s that won four World Series in five years.
Kaplan said the decision to remove the jersey was not made to generate publicity but was done in response to allegations of steroid use by Clemens that resulted in Wednesday's congressional hearing where Clemens testified.
"It was the fact that there are a lot of unresolved issues involving Roger and it was difficult for us to give answers to the kids coming through the museum," Kaplan said.

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Report: Man has photo of Clemens at disputed Canseco party

The 1998 party at Jose Canseco's house in Miami may have started out as a gathering of friends and family. It has turned into an event worthy of congressional testimony and a source of "evidence."
There is a photo of Roger Clemens at Canseco's house during the June 1998 party, according to the New York Daily News -- a photo that would contradict Clemens' sworn testimony that he never attended the party.

Richard Emery, one of the lawyers for Clemens' former trainer, Brian McNamee, said he was aware of the existence of the photo. "We have reason to believe it's reliable evidence," Emery told the Daily News. "We believe there's photographic evidence that shows Clemens was at a party he says he wasn't at."

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Clemens Decision May Come by End of Week
AP Sports Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Roger Clemens should know by the end of the week if Congress will ask the Justice Department to investigate whether the star pitcher or his accuser made false statements under oath. Clemens' lawyer says they knew long ago that is where things probably were headed.
The majority and minority sides of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee met Tuesday to discuss how to proceed on the Clemens matter.
"I can't say anything about discussions today," Phil Schiliro, chief of staff for committee chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "Our goal is a decision this week."

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I was amused by the report that a former major leaguer remembers Mrs. Clemens and Mrs. Canseco being at the infamous party because they were discussing their experiences with their boob jobs.
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BB73;1102706; said:
I was amused by the report that a former major leaguer remembers Mrs. Clemens and Mrs. Canseco being at the infamous party because they were discussing their experiences with their boob jobs.
Glad to see you are keeping abreast of the news in this story. :)
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Congress asks for probe of Clemens - Yahoo! News

yahoo.com said:
Congress asks for probe of Clemens

WASHINGTON - Roger Clemens' denial of steroid use warrants further investigation, Congress said Wednesday in asking the Justice Department to determine whether the star pitcher lied under oath in testimony to a House committee.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Henry Waxman and ranking Republican Tom Davis sent a letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, urging more scrutiny of Clemens' statements in a Feb. 5 sworn deposition and at a Feb. 13 public hearing where he said he "never used anabolic steroids or human growth hormone."

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