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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

The stadium renovations have the Spring Game in doubt, and RR says to not expect to see a depth chart until one week before the Aug. 30th opener against Utah.


Rodriguez starts first spring practice at Michigan

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) ? The head coach walked onto the field wearing the familiar navy cap with a maize 'M' on the front, but that was about all that looked the same Saturday when Michigan began its first spring practice.

The ball and players were flying all over as Rich Rodriguez began the installation of his spread-option system. The coach, hired away from West Virginia, has fans hoping he can breathe life into an offense that many often found stale and predictable.

"It was ugly at times and I was encouraged at times," Rodriguez said after the session. "Typical first practice."

Cont'd ...
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Offseason program has Wolverines looking, feeling different

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- It is the day before the opening of Michigan's first spring practice under coach Rich Rodriguez, and a coach who knows Rodriguez's career better than anyone predicts that the Wolverines will not merely struggle to learn the new schemes. This coach uses terms like "ugly" and "miserable" to describe the adjustment.

"I'm anticipating the worst," this coach said.

This expert's name? Rich Rodriguez.

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BUCKYLE;1117277; said:
Mike Barwis can fit nine minutes of jibber-jabber in a nutshell.
Barwis is essentially the new Ryan Mallett in the savior department, only he doesn't throw behind his receivers. After reading the participant testimonials from just two months in the new conditioning program, it's hard to ignore the huge improvement in the S&C program. It would appear we're watching U-M's S&C go from likely being one of the weakest in the conference to possibly the best.
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RR continutes to show what a class act he is when after Pryor told him he was going to Ohio State he tried to change Terrelle's mind. Pryor said that he kept trying to recruit him basically. IIRC right, TP said "he kept feeding me these lines" or something like that.

Class act RR. Class act.
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scarletngray;1119332; said:
RR continutes to show what a class act he is when after Pryor told him he was going to Ohio State he tried to change Terrelle's mind. Pryor said that he kept trying to recruit him basically. IIRC right, TP said "he kept feeding me these lines" or something like that.

Class act RR. Class act.
Must have learned it from the guy who offered Patrick Omameh a scholarship after his commitment to Michigan.
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Must have learned it from the guy who offered Patrick Omameh a scholarship after his commitment to Michigan.
Yeah, that had nothing to do with Jenkins... OSU just figured it was best to not offer Omommy until the last minute.

Either way the 'feed me these lines' gives some insight into the 'trust' comments.
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Buckeye86;1119353; said:
those grapes our extra sour this afternoon eh?
Careful, your strutting peacock feathers are showing. Can't resist the urge to brag a bit, hm? I don't really blame you. Myself, I am not going after the "sour grapes" at all, because let's be honest, I'd long ago resigned myself to the idea of Pryor not coming. If he didn't make a "Wow, cool, Michigan!" commit following the initial blitz of interest, he was going to spend more and more time thinking about it and going back to his initial leader. I moved on without Pryor on February 7. Pryor was a semi-taboo subject anyway.

The above is nothing more than my sort of snide way of pointing out that recruiting a player after his commitment is pretty much business as usual, whether it be on the "sorry, coach" phone call the day of or two months later.
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HTM- In addition to your view that Pryor was a "foregone" conclusion, how is this playing on the S&M boards?
  • "Foregone" forget it
  • RR did great to nearly convert TP
  • As above and we beat out State Penn
  • Wailing or Gnashing of Teeth over lack of best QB this year to fit RR's scheme
  • Next Years next best thing - moving on
  • Corvettes :paranoid:
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HailToMichigan;1119365; said:
Careful, your strutting peacock feathers are showing. Can't resist the urge to brag a bit, hm?

I wasn't bragging, just laughing at you and all of the things that you have to deal with as a Michigan fan these days.

On a more serious note (and a more appropriate note for the RR thread) pictures like this one


really make me hate Dick Rod. There you have two men who understand the greatness of the most storied rivalry in college football. No matter what Carr's record was or how much he bitched on the sidelines like a little baby, he understood the rivalry and was a generally classy guy and cared about his players.

Defend him all you want, but if Dick Rod is half as slimy as he seems to be, I think it takes away from our great rivalry and that makes me hate him even more than I normally hate things from tsun.
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