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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

DFP: Report: Ohio State goes on a mission to counter Michigan coach's new offense

Report: Ohio State goes on a mission to counter Michigan coach's new offense

Buckeyes do reconnaissance work at University of South Florida


March 13, 2008

Ohio State is already preparing for Rich Rodriguez's spread-option offense that he will likely use at Michigan.

The Buckeyes have won the past four meetings against Michigan, but they still sent cornerbacks coach Taver Johnson to meet with University of South Florida defensive coordinator Wally Burnham and secondary coach Troy Douglas this week, the Tampa Tribune reported.

"Johnson said it was because we've done such a good job against that offense," Burnham said. "And we've had some success."

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SNIPER26;1115373; said:
Considering your recent results against decent spread teams (Illinois, Florida), perhaps you should be.

When we have inexperienced defenses, we play poorly against spread teams(Florida, Illinois, LSU). When we have experienced defenses, we do a good job('05 Texas is probably the best example).
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