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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

SNIPER26;1115373; said:
Considering your recent results against decent spread teams (Illinois, Florida), perhaps you should be.

This is what always cracks me up about UM fans--you guys always try so hard to grasp at whatever straws you can to justify your conclusion that UM will defeat OSU year in and year out.
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I notice you didn't list the spread teams Ohio State beat. And as you note about Chris Leak and Florida - not exactly the "spread option" of Illinois, and of course Ohio State beat Illinois in 06... and it did take some horrible officiating to get Illinois over the hump (I'm not meaning that as an excuse, just calling a spade a spade. Doesn't change that Illinois beat the Buckeyes that day)

In any case, the point is somewhat valid in that the Buckeyes have blemishes against "spread teams" (real or perceived) and now that public enemy #1 runs the spread - you can damn well bet Ohio State will get good at stopping it cold. It's what Tressel does. Much like Woody thought - if Ohio State can beat Michigan, then Ohio State sure as shit can beat anyone else (Mindset, at least).
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1115426; said:
and now that public enemy #1 runs the spread - you can damn well bet Ohio State will get good at stopping it cold. It's what Tressel does. Much like Woody thought - if Ohio State can beat Michigan, then Ohio State sure as shit can beat anyone else (Mindset, at least).
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buckeyesin07;1115397; said:
This is what always cracks me up about UM fans--you guys always try so hard to grasp at whatever straws you can to justify your conclusion that UM will defeat OSU year in and year out.
One thing I like about this site is how, usually, people avoid sweeping generalizations.

In any case the game is over eight months away, so you'll excuse me if I'm not quite ready to concede defeat.
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HailToMichigan;1115593; said:
One thing I like about this site is how, usually, people avoid sweeping generalizations.

In any case the game is over eight months away, so you'll excuse me if I'm not quite ready to concede defeat.

That's okay, HTM. We understand. But, when you are ready to make that important step in your recovery, please feel free to share with the group. We're your buddies and we're here to support you. We have every belief that you can overcome this challenge to your happiness and, most importantly, we're willing to listen as you rid yourself of these demons. God wants everyone to be happy. You deserve to be happy. When you ready to unburden yourself, you can trust us to not laugh. Really. Even Darth Vader eventually saw the error in following the dark side.
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I think this thread is overdue for a:

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Three ex-Mountaineers speak out about new U-M coach Rich Rodriguez

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette caught up with three former WVU Mountaineers earlier this week and talked to them about a variety of topics, most notably U-M coach Rich Rodriguez.

The three ex-Mountaineers that spoke with the Post-Gazette's Chuck Finder were receiver Darius Reynaud, cornerback Vaughn Rivers and tailback Steve Slaton. Both Rivers and Slaton plan to come to Ann Arbor to work with former West Virginia strength and conditioning coach Mike Barwis to prepare for the NFL.

Below are a few highlights of the interview:
Rivers: "It took time to build once Coach Rod took over. It'll be an interesting first year for Michigan and here."

Slaton: "Look what Coach Rod did for West Virginia. Everybody forgets about that. After the Sugar Bowl [in 2006], they got spoiled."

Slaton: "You figured it would happen. But I think they should be happy for him. He's from West Virginia and he can make his mark at Michigan better and maybe one day be in the coaching Hall of Fame. I'm happy for him 'cause he gave me a chance to play running back when a lot of teams wouldn't have given me the chance."

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osugrad21;1115646; said:

Three ex-Mountaineers speak out about new U-M coach Rich Rodriguez

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette caught up with three former WVU Mountaineers earlier this week and talked to them about a variety of topics, most notably U-M coach Rich Rodriguez.

The three ex-Mountaineers that spoke with the Post-Gazette's Chuck Finder were receiver Darius Reynaud, cornerback Vaughn Rivers and tailback Steve Slaton. Both Rivers and Slaton plan to come to Ann Arbor to work with former West Virginia strength and conditioning coach Mike Barwis to prepare for the NFL.

Below are a few highlights of the interview:
Rivers: "It took time to build once Coach Rod took over. It'll be an interesting first year for Michigan and here."

Slaton: "Look what Coach Rod did for West Virginia. Everybody forgets about that. After the Sugar Bowl [in 2006], they got spoiled."

Slaton: "You figured it would happen. But I think they should be happy for him. He's from West Virginia and he can make his mark at Michigan better and maybe one day be in the coaching Hall of Fame. I'm happy for him 'cause he gave me a chance to play running back when a lot of teams wouldn't have given me the chance."


Aw shucks, Pa! There's that new sheriff Tressel in town...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo1NHhRmHls]YouTube - mongo[/ame]
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Hearing date set for Rodriguez, WVU
Judge sets Apr. 3 hearing date for buyout dispute

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) -- West Virginia University and ex-coach Rich Rodriguez will get their day in court.

Judge Robert Stone set an April 3 hearing date in Monongalia County Circuit Court. Stone will hear several motions and counterclaims filed in WVU's lawsuit over a $4 million buyout clause in Rodriguez's contract.

Among the motions are orders to compel Rodriguez to produce evidence and a request to expedite the trial. Both sides have indicated a desire to finish before football season.

Cont'd ...
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Offseason program has Wolverines looking, feeling different

By Ivan Maisel

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- It is the day before the opening of Michigan's first spring practice under coach Rich Rodriguez, and a coach who knows Rodriguez's career better than anyone predicts that the Wolverines will not merely struggle to learn the new schemes. This coach uses terms like "ugly" and "miserable" to describe the adjustment.

"I'm anticipating the worst," this coach said.

This expert's name? Rich Rodriguez.
"If they had ever set a stat for spring practice sacks allowed, we would have broken it, and it would never be broken again," Rodriguez said. "I mean, I can remember our first spring game at Tulane. We had a little intrasquad scrimmage. It was so bad offensively that the defensive coaches let one of the female student trainers call defenses. And I still didn't get a first down."
Wow, that bad, huh? And to think, she, like most women, probably couldn't shoot a football even if there were no goalie.
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