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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

Well, I've always been told, "it ain't bragging if you can do it", so Coach Tress did it, so now DickRod needs to do it. We'll see. I guess that's the equivalent of saying they're three years from a national championship.

Agree with Steve, that he's trying to establish 'the Game' as the pinnacle of the season. In reality, either Michigan OR OSU cannot win the NC unless they beat the other. So it has been, and so it shall be......

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Best Buckeye;1110955; said:
RR Copies Tressel and Dantonio, throws down the gauntlet to tOSU. Sounds good to me that he has to copy JT.

Um, that's almost a month old (from the UM-OSU bball game you appeared to follow)... and the speech was nothing like JT's or Dantonio's.
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sandgk;1113949; said:
Dates for depositions set in WVU suit for the $4 Million buy-out. (State Journal - WV)

March 26th Rodriguez under the lights in Michigan.
March 19th Pastilong takes the hot seat in Morgantown.

How do depositions work? Is it a gratuity paid by the person giving information or is it enforceable? Does Rodriguez HAVE to answer all the questions or can he leave whenever he feels like it or just sit there mum?
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muffler dragon;1113992; said:
How do depositions work? Is it a gratuity paid by the person giving information or is it enforceable? Does Rodriguez HAVE to answer all the questions or can he leave whenever he feels like it or just sit there mum?
Short answer is that a deposition is essentially a chance for attorneys on both sides to have a crack at hearing what a witness is all about. You know the lawyer saying, "Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to?" That's why they have depositions. Depositions are on the record, so a witness is held pretty much to the same standard of answering questions as he would be at trial. 5th Amendment applies, etc. It helps the lawyers figure out their case and what questions to ask on trial in front of the judge and jury. It's also useful to ensure a witness doesn't perjure himself in the courtroom.
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From an article about which programs are under the most pressure in 2008.


1. Rich Rodriguez

After all the drama and all the jilted feelings and all the hullabaloo, West Virginia, at least on the field, appears to be moving on. Michigan is doing the same as it goes through a dramatic departure in philosophies, styles, and most of all, coaching personalities. Rich Rodriguez isn't Lloyd Carr in a lot of ways, and it'll show up soon with more entertaining press conferences and a lot more entertaining frankness. On the field, the Maize and Blue faithful are hoping beyond all reasonable hope that Terrelle Pryor doesn't go to Columbus, but Michigan has to go on and try to put the square pegs in the round holes and be productive in the new offensive system. RichRod will get a little bit of a grace period, but not too much of one; this is still Michigan. On the positive side, Ohio State should be one of the top three teams in America while few will expect much out of the Wolverines, so the chance is there to sneak up on everyone and be a surprise team, it that's possible for Michigan. No matter what happens, the pressure is on for everyone around the program to prove that Rodriguez was the right guy and that it wasn't worth waiting the extra few weeks for Les Miles.
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Here is a major problem I see for RR and this lawsuit. His deposition is scheduled to take place in the middle of Michigan's spring ball schedule. This is not good for a coach who will be working on installing a new offensive system. Charlie Weiss went through this same thing a summer ago, and the distractions were more than merely annoying.
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Jimmy Carter;1114029; said:
What would you call it then?
Saying his players will play hard and fast but refusing to make any semblance of a prediction is nothing like JT or Dantonio's speech...

It was pretty obvious he didn't want to go down that path, which was wise considering the odds against him this november.

It takes a pretty lazy journalist to draw parallels between his speech and JT's, or Dantonio's.
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LightningRod;1114032; said:
Here is a major problem I see for RR and this lawsuit. His deposition is scheduled to take place in the middle of Michigan's spring ball schedule. This is not good for a coach who will be working on installing a new offensive system. Charlie Weiss went through this same thing a summer ago, and the distractions were more than merely annoying.
I believe you have a really good point there about the difficulties this imposes on the schedule for TSUN's new head coach.
But, not to undercut (nor re-word) your statement in any way, while it is a major problem, I don't believe it is the most pressing problem the deposition presents for him.
That would surely remain the fact that he really has to get a glaring admission from Pastilong. An admission which supports his contention about the unwillingness of WVU to address the shortcomings he claims existed in WVU's contract with him. For which contention he has verbal assertions while WVU has written proof. (All this goes on while shielding himself from damaging contrasts with his near identical buy-out at the inception of his contract with TSUN). Not to mention all the fishing that can happen by WVU's lawyers on the phone call front, the timing of his first contact with TSUN and the like.
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