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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)


West Virginia asks judge to dismiss Rodriguez counterclaims

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - West Virginia University wants a judge to dismiss counterclaims Rich Rodriguez raised to the lawsuit over his $4 million buyout, arguing he can't benefit from a contract, then refuse to comply with the parts he doesn't like.

The university filed documents Friday in Monongalia County Circuit Court in Morgantown, arguing that Rodriguez fails to offer legal foundations for his claim the contract is unenforceable. He claims he signed it under false pretenses, expecting certain verbal promises from the administration to be kept.

But Rodriguez knew what he was doing and had help from lawyers, financial advisers and agents when he negotiated and signed the document, WVU argues.

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xcrunner;1099791; said:
To be fair, to call the loss to Pitt possibly the greatest choke job in CFB history is a bit much.


But it was still pretty bad :biggrin:

Notice I didn't say greatest upset, I said greatest choke job. So much to be gained and so little standing in the way, yet RR and his boys found a way to not get it done. It has got to be up there in the top 5 all time type discussions.
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One of the things that can happen on a message board is that a prior poster's assumptions then get offered up as proof of a related position - case in point.

HailToMichigan;1099700; said:
Over a month. ChisAto surmised that the earliest date for contact between U-M and RR would have been the 11th (a Tuesday) based on that being the day that Les Miles gave his final "no, and please stop asking.".

Aah I see, so TSUN would not have contacted anybody else for the job because they were still fixated on Les Miles even 10 days after he had first told the press about his firm and fixed relationship with his damn fine team immediately prior to the SEC Championship game.

That is a huge and totally unproven assumption, it is also one that defies common sense.

In like manner, there is no linear temporal relationship between when any other candidate said no and when TSUN began to put out feelers for Rodriguez (or vice versa).

The likelihood that Rodriguez was directly or through his agent in contact with TSUN or it's representatives prior to Dec 11, soon after their regular season was finished (Dec 1) is very high.
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Jaxbuck;1099872; said:
Notice I didn't say greatest upset, I said greatest choke job. So much to be gained and so little standing in the way, yet RR and his boys found a way to not get it done. It has got to be up there in the top 5 all time type discussions.

Sadly, I disagree with you Jax...

November 7, 1998.

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osugrad21;1099889; said:
Sadly, I disagree with you Jax...

November 7, 1998.


I don't recall that day, what happened?

In all seriousness, I would only offer that due to OSU's history of getting there(NC's) before and subsequent getting back to there(NC's), ours was less damaging.

It was a choke job for the ages, don't get me wrong but it was not amplified by the fact it was our 1 in 100 year chance to play for a NC when we did it.
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Jaxbuck;1099890; said:
I don't recall that day, what happened?

In all seriousness, I would only offer that due to OSU's history of getting there(NC's) before and subsequent getting back to there(NC's), ours was less damaging.

It was a choke job for the ages, don't get me wrong but it was not amplified by the fact it was our 1 in 100 year chance to play for a NC when we did it.

True. Good points.
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Rich Rod.....

UM was a handful with Lloyd Carr and that gang planning. I hate to say this, but they will be more of a handful in the future. They still are the University of Flushigan.

But Go Bucks!
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Interesting - this is the first time the descending scale of the buyout Rodriguez had with WVU is revealed (to my knowledge).

If anything this disclosure further undercuts Rodriguez's position.

The amendment of August in 2007 stipulated Rodriguez would owe $4 million if he left prior to Aug. 31, 2008. After that, the buyout would fall to the $2 million figure through 2011. It would then decrease again to $1 million through 2014.

So, if Rich had stayed with WVU for one more season - or even till just before the 2008 season starts that buyout would be half it's present level.
Moreover, the rate at which the buyout initially decays is faster by far than the rate imposed in his new contract with TSUN. Basically, he'll be living with a more punitive buyout clause in AA yet contests the more lenient one that he signed in Morgantown.

There's an underlying consistency here - but not the type which is admirable.

Perhaps this is one why TSUN alums took to lecturing Rich about their proud traditions in AA?

While the first meeting was designed to help the current Wolverines understand that the 1969 team also went through a dramatic culture change from Bump Elliott to Bo Schembechler, the second meeting with Rodriguez apparently took on a different vibe.
"Everything I've heard about the second was the guys were telling Coach Rodriguez what they thought, even though I thought the purpose was to meet the coach and have the coach tell us what he thought about it," said Dierdorf, who was not at that reunion but spoke to people who attended.
"I heard he got up and said, 'I haven't been lectured to this much since I was in the sixth grade.' "
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RR Copies Tressel and Dantonio, throws down the gauntlet to tOSU. Sounds good to me that he has to copy JT.


Rodriguez follows Dantonio and Tressels' lead

EAST LANSING -- New Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez will no doubt get jeered for calling out Ohio State during halftime of Sunday's Wolverine-Buckeye basketball game by the same pompous wet blankets who mocked Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio for throwing the gauntlet down to Michigan.

You will recall how when Dantonio came out swinging at U-M with some verbal jabs as soon as he was introduced as the new Spartan coach he was summarily dismissed as Harry High School cheerleader. His rallying cry of "November 3rd" caused snickers amongst his early critics and they turned into cackles when word got out that he installed digital clocks throughout the Duffy Daughterty Football Building counting down to the big game.


I liked it when Tressel, who isn't exactly Mr. Excitement, put U-M on notice, I liked it when Dantonio stirred the pot and I like it now that Rodriguez has put Ohio State squarely in the Wolverines' cross hairs.

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Based on WVU's track record in big games under RR, I'm really looking forward to this next phase of the rivalry.

I don't think he has the first clue of what he is in for.
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:slappy: That a 12-year old would consider himself RR's equal...

DFP: 12-year old makes bid to replace Rodriguez

Hey, kid. Try the Lions

A 12-year-old Connecticut boy's bid to get a college football coaching job has failed, but he's still encouraged.

Joshua Irizarry of Southington sent a letter in December to West Virginia University president Michael Garrison, offering to fill the vacancy of head coach of the Mountaineers football team after Rich Rodriguez left for the University of Michigan. Garrison sent the boy a letter thanking him and telling him that the position has been filled by an "equally qualified candidate."

Joshua said he didn't expect a reply, and it was really cool to get one. Maybe he should try Matt Millen next.
But if Joshua could recruit ...

If Irizarry could stop the where's Terrelle Pryor going merry-go-round and influence the hot-prospect quarterback's college choice, he'd be a cinch to be at least an associate coach.

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I'll tell you what I like about RR "throwing down the gauntlet." I know lots of folks are going to be thinking that The Game is always our most important game of the year, but this year and next year, it will take on a special tone. Yeah, that's great, but that is not what turns me on about this.

What excites me is that you just know that Jim Tressel and his coaches are already working on a game plan that will be really special. THAT will be a lot of fun to watch as its executed and THAT is what I like about this.
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