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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

jmorbitz;1269406; said:
I want to see the Stiff Arm of Justice again.

Agreed. Hoping that he's in good shape today after going hard yesterday.

Really looking forward to seeing him back on the field. He and Boom hitting the D over and over will be fun to watch. Something's going to break and I think that it's going to be Minny's D.

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ESPN - Wells expected to return to lineup; QB Pryor to start vs. Minnesota - College Football

Ohio State starting running back Chris "Beanie" Wells will return from injury Saturday against Minnesota barring any setbacks this week in practice, Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel said Tuesday.

Big Ten blog

ESPN.com's Adam Rittenberg writes about all things Big Ten in his conference blog.

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Wells participated fully in Monday's nearly two-hour practice and no longer is experiencing the lingering soreness in his right big toe, which kept him off the field in wins over Ohio and Troy and a 35-3 loss to top-ranked USC..

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VERY excited about seeing Beanie and TP in the same backfield throughout an entire game. Play action is going to be wicked.

One playmaker can make all the difference in the way a team plays. See Dennis Dixon. Two BIG TIME playmakers can really put on a show.

Got your popcorn ready?

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It will be funny if all the top ranked teams play each other and lose and through some strange twist of fate OSU ends up in contention for a top 2 ranking at the end of the season. If Beanie gets in there and dominates and Pryor continues to blossom they could use the argument that our 2 bad games came without our best 2 players. I don't think this will happen, but at the same time, i definately wouldn't rule it out as a possibility given that our loss happened so early on in the season.

Initially, I didn't think Pryor would be very effective this early on in his career but he has surprised me. I think the combo of Pryor and Beanie might be too much for even the top defenses.
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scarletngray;1269619; said:
VERY excited about seeing Beanie and TP in the same backfield throughout an entire game. Play action is going to be wicked.

One playmaker can make all the difference in the way a team plays. See Dennis Dixon. Two BIG TIME playmakers can really put on a show.

Got your popcorn ready?


This is worth the wait. Three weeks without Beanie, Pryor as QB, and a host of other changes in the lineup. Going to need a lot of popcorn for this one.
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