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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

cincibuck;1268535; said:
1. I would think that Beanie gets financial advice. Someone is out there measuring the ponderables: how many backs in the class? Where does he stand in the class? How many backs in next year's class? Is the Heisman worth the risk? (hell no) High first round or low first round? Could that be imporved with another great year?

2. I would think that he's in touch with teammates in the pros. I've heard some regret leaving early and others happy with the decision. I myself would like to know what mssrs Long, Hart and Henne have to say.

3. There's going to be a huge change in offensive style next year. Headlines are going to be on Pryor, on the offense ad receivers. The defense is probably going to have a totally new look too with Lauranitus and Freeman gone.

But the only thing I see that could keep him here would be if he can't go again this season and given the type of injury that would not surprise me. If he can't go, or does, but looks tentative, then the question marks are going to pop up.

He would drop down in draft status if he doesn't play again here by chance obviously,but at the same time people are going to start looking at his health on the pro level as well. What if he would come back another year and face another injury? What does that do for his career?
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Forgotten leader set for return?

Matt Gottfried

Issue date: 9/23/08 Section: Campus

Chris "Beanie" Wells wasn't supposed to have a season like this. After a breakout season a year ago and the return of a veteran offensive line, this was supposed to be his time to restore glory to the Ohio State backfield.

But on Aug. 30, the Buckeyes' toughest athlete went down on the flukiest of plays. Four weeks later, the Buckeyes are still searching for answers to a stalled-out offense.

All that should change in four days.

"Who knows what will happen next week, but we're getting Beanie back," kicker A.J. Trapasso said Saturday after the Buckeyes' 28-10 win over Troy.

Lost in the shadow of Ohio State's quarterback controversy the past two weeks was the improving condition of the Buckeyes' star tailback. Because he has been withheld from the media since his injury, little has been said on his current progress.

The Akron native's condition has fluctuated from one extreme to the other the past two weeks, but based on Trapasso's comments and the amount of rest taken since suffering the injury, one ought to believe his return is right around the corner.

Then again, Trapasso was quick to eat his words after divulging the rather sensitive material.

"It looks like he's coming back," Trapasso went on to say. "I don't know his exact health status, but it looks like he's doing well."

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osugrad21;1269066; said:

Searching for answers to a stalled out offense? I think we found the answers with a young man named Pryor. He's got some work to do yet but we have the answer.

Just imagine Pryor and Beanie in the same backfield... It's going to be a glorious day :)

Take care of your Uncle Hulka Beanie!

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CapnStubby;1269077; said:
Searching for answers to a stalled out offense? I think we found the answers with a young man named Pryor. He's got some work to do yet but we have the answer.

Just imagine Pryor and Beanie in the same backfield... It's going to be a glorious day :)

Take care of your Uncle Hulka Beanie!


Nice! I'm stealing this ^
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Going out on a limb here with a prediction......

I predict that when Beanie does actually take the field to play you will hear one of the loudest and longest ovations that there has been in Ohio Stadium since the victory over scUM in 2006.

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As a fan - I would love to see Beanie stay for an Eddie type senior year.

If I was a former player, friend, coach, advisor, or family member I would have to tell him to go pro. Next year does not necessarily mean a Heisman, especially when you consider that Pryor will be in the running too. Plus the last two years Beanie has had durability issues so he needs to go and get that guaranteed money while he still can before the collective bargaining agreement is changed. He is still a top three back in the country.

Either way - I can't wait to get him back this year. Go Bucks!
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ESPN News just reported that Beanie would be playing this Saturday.

Edit - It now says 'Expected to play'

JT's press conference started a few minutes ago, so it must have come from there.
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mross34;1269375; said:
Tressel denied saying he was probable in the press conference. Didn't hear the first few minutes though.

Not sure what you heard... Unless it was where he said he didn't use the word "probable" last week or the week before.

I was listening over the interwebs, and Tressel definitely said that Beanie was probable.

It was more interesting to me that he said one of the nice things about having Terrelle in there is to make up for the fact that our RB depth isn't what we thought it was.

I must admit, the loss of Beanie made a bigger difference than I'd hoped it would. Or is it that I hope that's a big part of what we're seeing?
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DaddyBigBucks;1269380; said:
Not sure what you heard... Unless it was where he said he didn't use the word "probable" last week or the week before.

I was listening over the interwebs, and Tressel definitely said that Beanie was probable.

Probably was. I came in during the middle of the presser and they were talking about it right as I started listening.
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Beanie has to get some carries this week. If the teamwants him to be effective in the Wisky game, he has to get some snaps at game speed this week to knock off the rust. I don't expect him, nor do I expect the team to need him to carry 20+ times, but I'd like to s him in the red zone, on the field, hell I want to see him in pads. We all know he's got tons of talent and he's a beast, but coming back after a month off with limited practices on the road against a top ten team isn't the best place. He's got to push it and see how his foot feels, if he takes a few carries and it hurts, have him sit. I know he'll be playing tough in practice, but we gotta see him at game speed again.

I want to see the Stiff Arm of Justice again.
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