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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

"It's a little bit of a foot issue...from what I hear, he'll be good."

Jim Tressel, post game interview, speaking of Beanie. :)
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I hope Beanie is okay, but from what I saw today, I think we can beat USC without him. This team is all around good. The defense is fast and smart and well coached. This O-line is deep and big and strong. Obviously, Beanie is in a class of his own, when it comes to running backs. And the team is better with him than without. But, I think we are so deep everywhere, that it would take a lot to slow down this team.
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I think turf toe is inflammation of the toe.

I think a buckeye had that recently last year or something, but I don't think beanie has it because the last guy who had it said it felt like he had nails in his foot when he walked on it.

Since he had no crutches, I'd say it's just a sprain.

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The way he slipped you would have thought some bone in his leg gave or something. That looked back. But I was thinking that maybe this can provide some extra adversity to make this team tougher. It would be nice to have Beanie healthy for SC but we can win without Beanie, and maybe his potential absence can make this team more focused.
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I'm REALLY hoping Beanie gets better. I think we really need him against USC (though we have a chance without him), but beyond the team needing him, he needs a good game to help his Heisman candidacy. The injury put a big damper on my excitement for the team, so it's good to see some encouraging news.
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