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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

OState29;1243608; said:
That aside, Tim May via the Dispatch offers the following:

In the postgame press conference, OSU coach Jim Tressel said that X-rays were negative in terms of finding a broken bone. But Wells was taken to the hospital after the game for further evaluation of what insiders said was a sprain of the top of the foot. The insiders would not speculate on the severity.
BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Beanie injured during Buckeyes' rout

That's what I thought I saw as well. He was wrapping his hand around his foot and not really grabbing his toe. Also if it was turf toe I don't think he would have been walking even in the boot the pain would just be too intense.

How bad can sprains to the top of the foot be? I mean, obviously we don't know yet for sure, but how bad can they get? does anyone know>?
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As my dad would likely say "hook that boy up to an IV of painkiller and send him back in!" lol.

In honesty, Beanie played awesome today, nearly 9 yards a carry and got this team rolling after his TD run! He's a warrior, we've all known this since he was playing hard in pain at the end of last season. If anyone thinks THIS will keep his off the field in L.A., they are sorely mistaken. At the most, he will miss next game as a precautionary. He has too much pride and heart to be slowed down, let alone stopped. Go Bucks!
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1926Buckeyes;1243619; said:
How bad can sprains to the top of the foot be? I mean, obviously we don't know yet for sure, but how bad can they get? does anyone know>?

The same article offers the Pretorius quote about the big toe -- I think the bottom line is that we're just going to have to wait and see how things look next week.

The sad part about all of this is I told Vince 4 plays before the injury that I found myself holding my breath every time Beanie was hit. We all just want him to stay healthy this year, and I'm sure that's most true for Beanie himself. Let's all hope this was more fear of the "pop" than real injury.
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NFBuck;1243528; said:
If anybody is too nervous about the situation, I suggest ponying up a few bucks for the premium board on scout...it's worth it.

I don't need to blow $99 to find out something now that I'll find out tomorrow for free.

Besides, if you know something from there tell us. Scout doesn't own this site.
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Does not bode well. Sprains are slow to heal, easily re-injured and weaken the joint were the sprain took place. What does look good is that running back by committee is available and seems to show promise. Question would be why we saw so little of Saine. Is he nicked up or in the dog house?
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Does not bode well. Sprains are slow to heal, easily re-injured and weaken the joint were the sprain took place. What does look good is that running back by committee is available and seems to show promise. Question would be why we saw so little of Saine. Is he nicked up or in the dog house?

To early to say exactly what the injury is.......Beanie played with a consistent nicked ankle last year..........Saine is coming back from a slight hamstring.........
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MililaniBuckeye;1240137; said:
I've said it earlier...do NOT be shocked if he comes back for his senior year, especially if he wins the Heisman. Let's say we win the Big Ten outright, win the national title, and Beanie rushes for 1,800 yards and wins the Heisman. Coming back for his senior year, he'd have to opportunity to:

1. Be only the second two-time Heisman winner
2. Become Ohio State's all-time rushing leader
3. Be outright Big Ten champ all four of his years at Ohio State
4. Go 4-0 against Michigan

No amount of money can replace that. He'll "get paid" soon enough. Money comes and goes, but becoming legendary is only once in a lifetime...
Beanie needs to go pro after this year. He's earned the right to earn the $.
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1926Buckeyes;1243619; said:
How bad can sprains to the top of the foot be? I mean, obviously we don't know yet for sure, but how bad can they get? does anyone know>?

i've had one, they're pretty painful at first because it feels like any movement you make with your foot side to side will break something. to be honest though, it didn't take me very long at all to recover from it, and if it's just an "average" sprain i wouldn't be surprised to see Beanie at full go for USC. if that's what the deal is, anyway
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