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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Turf toe is a sprained big toe and looking at the replay again that may be the case. Unfortunately, pro players who have had it say it hurts like hell and takes awhile to heal.

We play USC in 2 weeks with or without him. Obviously, he makes us better but I'm not throwing in the towel on any game.
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Jake;1243475; said:
Turf toe is a sprained big toe and looking at the replay again that may be the case. Unfortunately, pro players who have had it say it hurts like hell and takes awhile to heal.

We play USC in 2 weeks with or without him. Obviously, he makes us better but I'm not throwing in the towel on any game.

Exactly. I've heard from a few people that it hurts to the point even walk on or put any pressure on. Hopefully it is minimal as anything long term could be a huge blow to the offensive side of the ball.
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Much as I'd love to see him go out and run the ball against SC, it's more important that we have him for the grind of the Big Ten season. He needs to sit and heal as long as he needs to.

I think it's also important for him. If he wants to go NFL after this year, he needs to perform at a very high level whenever he does return--which won't happen if he's only got 1.5 wheels under him. I know he was flat out gritty last year, but RB's need to protect themselves as much as possible, and with the talent we've got behind him, we owe it to him to let him recover fully (or as fully as feasible).

Then again, I think "make" him recover is more likely than "let." He'll be pushing for playing time ASAP.
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Ohio State football: X-rays negative on Wells' foot - Buckeye Blog - Cleveland.com

Per Doug Lesmerises of the Cleveland PD:

Teammate Ryan Pretorius said Wells told him the injury was to his right big toe, and an OSU source confirmed the injury was to the front of Wells' foot. Wells battled ankle problems early last season, but that was in his left ankle.

"I may have rolled it or planted wrong a play or two before," Wells said through Ohio State spokeswoman Shelly Poe. "Something just didn't feel right. Then I think I felt a pop. But the X-rays are OK, so we'll see how it feels in a day or two."

Wells left to meet with team doctors immediately after the game and was not available for postgame interviews.
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Just for the sake of saying it, news and info aren't premium or protected even if they happen to appear in some premium areas. Original works are. We just don't want to use premium areas as sources.

That aside, Tim May via the Dispatch offers the following:

In the postgame press conference, OSU coach Jim Tressel said that X-rays were negative in terms of finding a broken bone. But Wells was taken to the hospital after the game for further evaluation of what insiders said was a sprain of the top of the foot. The insiders would not speculate on the severity.

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Beanie injured during Buckeyes' rout
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That aside, Tim May via the Dispatch offers the following:

In the postgame press conference, OSU coach Jim Tressel said that X-rays were negative in terms of finding a broken bone. But Wells was taken to the hospital after the game for further evaluation of what insiders said was a sprain of the top of the foot. The insiders would not speculate on the severity.
BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Beanie injured during Buckeyes' rout

That's what I thought I saw as well. He was wrapping his hand around his foot and not really grabbing his toe. Also if it was turf toe I don't think he would have been walking even in the boot the pain would just be too intense.
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