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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

OHSportsFan9;1243209; said:
First thought as well.

No way
he's back for that game...which is damn near the only one that matters (until Michigan). I know he's a tough SOB, but he's not playing against USC.

This was one of the worst things that could have happened to the team. ugh

C'mon folks....This is tOSU. 1 player does not a team make. This loss of Beanie isn't a positive thing but I think you under estimate the talent on the rest of this team. The running game and the team will be fine.
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I am never gonna be the one to say the sky is falling, ever. This may or may not be a season ending injury for Beanie and ALL my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family without a doubt.

This season depended tremendously how this TEAM responds to adversity and that is exactly what they'll have to do now. I have faith that all that can be done will be done for Chris and no matter what we will support The Ohio State University and all that it stands for.

Here's to a quick recovery for Chris and Let's Go Bucks!!!!:osu:
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C'mon folks....This is tOSU. 1 player does not a team make. This loss of Beanie isn't a positive thing but I think you under estimate the talent on the rest of this team. The running game and the team will be fine.
Easy to underestimate the rest of the team after seeing Beanie run. :wink:

I only make a couple points.

1.) This doesn't help us against USC.
2.) I think it's one of the worst things that could have happened to the team today.

We'll see how things play out, but it's just rough right now.
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What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Time will tell what the future holds with regards to USC, Wisconsin, and such, but we're still definitely good enough to win the conference, and all the other championship contenders are dealing with injuries as well. Would a season-ending injury to our star player "kill" us? I honestly doubt it with the talent in place, and it may only truly cost us against USC.
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