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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

UpNorth_Buckeye;1240839; said:
You also have to keep in mind that the league is trying to cut down on the rookie contracts which are redicoulous. He could be taking a chance of getting screwed if he comes back after passing up 60+ million top 5, to only get 20-30 million top 5 the year after.

Gene Upshaw (RIP) was supposedly resistant to lowering the limit on rookie contracts. I don't understand why the existing players wouldn't want to limit the salaries paid to incoming players. If the total pool for the players is the same % of league revenue, capping the rookie salaries means more money for free agents.

We'll see if the new NFLPA leadership wants to reduce the rookie contracts. If it happens, as you point out, it's a major incentive for juniors like Beanie to leave.

But if we're going to continue this discussion on rookie contracts, I'll break it into a thread in the Pro forum.
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billmac91;1240499; said:
his insurance policy would pay several million, not 20-30 million.

I'm not sure what Beanie is thinking right now, but once the draft rolls around 20-30 mill is hard to turn down. I think he's absolutely gone.

But I also thought James and Malcolm were gone.

Beanie is even on another level compared to those guys when talking about the draft. Top 3 pick.

Some had Laurinaitis as top 5, and most had Jenkins as the #1 or #2 CB, so both were legit top-10 picks.

Unless Beanie gets a serious permanent injury, he'll be drafted just as high in the 2010 draft as he will in 2009 draft...period. They only question will be whether he wants the jack sooner than later, and whether making history is worth a year's wait.
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This is pretty positive for his early season Heisman hype

Yahoo rountable: who will win the Heisman?

TERRY BOWDEN -Anytime you go about picking a Heisman favorite, you need to think about the process as much as you do the talent. It isn't just about who's the best, but what position they play, what statistics they're going to have, where they go to school and will their school be in contention for the title.
That's why Chris Wells will bring home the bacon in 2008. He's not only a running back, one of the two positions that have a chance to actually win the award, but he is the best running back in the country. He will be an offensive star who will pile up a ton of rushing yards at one of the most high-profile schools in the country ? a school that will be playing for the national championship. That's a hard combination to beat.......
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MililaniBuckeye;1241009; said:
Some had Laurinaitis as top 5, and most had Jenkins as the #1 or #2 CB, so both were legit top-10 picks.

Unless Beanie gets a serious permanent injury, he'll be drafted just as high in the 2010 draft as he will in 2009 draft...period. They only question will be whether he wants the jack sooner than later, and whether making history is worth a year's wait.

Unless he were to tear a ligament. It's just too much of a risk.

One of the great things about Beanie is his ability to avoid hits below his knees. He stiff arms everyone in front of him and avoids direct hits below his kness, knock on wood.

He gets gang tackled or tackled from behind. That helps in a way. I still think he is gone once all of the facts are presented to him.
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