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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Over the past few years, we've seen several players who everyone thought would leave early come back for their senior seasons (Doss, AJ, this year's group), and some who left although most people thought they'd stay (Gonzo, Pittman). There's no way of predicting what will happen, even if the player himself says one way or the other. But, I have a feeling Beanie will lean towards staying up to his evaluation. He has asserted his intention to play in 09 several times, even when he wasn't asked, and he has an obvious love for Ohio State. You can see his eyes light up whenever he talks about Archie, or playing Michigan, or any number of things that are unique to OSU. Whatever happens, he has given us great moments over the last two seasons, and we're sure to get one more. If he does come back in 09 and accomplishes everything he sets out to do, he may still not be Archie Griffin, but he would be this generation's Archie Griffin.

EDIT. I almost forgot, for BestBuckeye: :io:
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MililaniBuckeye;1240294; said:
Uh, MLBs make 100 or so tackles a year...most MLBs also get hit by OLs and TEs downfield on plays where they're not in on the tackle.
Umm, you have to be kidding.

RB's tote the ball 200-300 times a year taking on everyone on the defense in addition to taking on a blitzing linebacker or defensive back flying full speed at them with all of the momentum when picking up the blitz.

MLB's take a ton of punishment no doubt but no position outside of the trenches can match the punishment a RB takes during a season.
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BuckeyeNation27;1240374; said:
Wells isn't sticking around for anything....so I don't know what all the discussion is about. He's gone.

I agree, it reminds me of the 06 season. We knew with Troy going into the pros, Ginn would be leaving with a possibility of a few others. Now with most senior leadership leaving (Robo, JL, Boeckman), Wells and maybe Hartline will be gone after this season.
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Sportsbuck28;1240458; said:
Umm, you have to be kidding.

RB's tote the ball 200-300 times a year taking on everyone on the defense in addition to taking on a blitzing linebacker or defensive back flying full speed at them with all of the momentum when picking up the blitz.

MLB's take a ton of punishment no doubt but no position outside of the trenches can match the punishment a RB takes during a season.

Beanie carried the ball 274 times last year (39 in one game). Picking up blitzes and a few other miscellaneous things, gets him "hit" around 300 or so times a year. No all of his carries result in hard hits (running out of bounds, pushed out of bounds, ankles tackles, etc.). Laurinaitis had 121 total tackles last year, yet those are only the "hits" he gets credit for. No stats are kept on how many times he gets picked up when he blitzes, gets cut-blocked, etc. You can bet that a MLB like him is a target and gets hit on nearly every play. A top-flight RB may indeed take more overall punishment, but the difference is no where near what many of you are saying.

I'd bet big coin that no MFL GM is going to pass on Beanie Wells in the 2010 draft if Beanie stays for his senior year (2009) and does great. No way any of them say, "You know, I was going to draft him after his junior year, but since he played one more year in college, I think he's all washed up physically." A big back like Beanie dishes out the punishment more thanhe receives it, and four years in college vice three really isn't going to make much difference. The only thing he should worry about is injury, and that's why they have insurance policies.
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MililaniBuckeye;1240497; said:
Beanie carried the ball 274 times last year (39 in one game). Picking up blitzes and a few other miscellaneous things, gets him "hit" around 300 or so times a year. No all of his carries result in hard hits (running out of bounds, pushed out of bounds, ankles tackles, etc.). Laurinaitis had 121 total tackles last year, yet those are only the "hits" he gets credit for. No stats are kept on how many times he gets picked up when he blitzes, gets cut-blocked, etc. You can bet that a MLB like him is a target and gets hit on nearly every play. A top-flight RB may indeed take more overall punishment, but the difference is no where near what many of you are saying.

I'd bet big coin that no MFL GM is going to pass on Beanie Wells in the 2010 draft if Beanie stays for his senior year (2009) and does great. No way any of them say, "You know, I was going to draft him after his junior year, but since he played one more year in college, I think he's all washed up physically." A big back like Beanie dishes out the punishment more thanhe receives it, and four years in college vice three really isn't going to make much difference. The only thing he should worry about is injury, and that's why they have insurance policies.

his insurance policy would pay several million, not 20-30 million.

I'm not sure what Beanie is thinking right now, but once the draft rolls around 20-30 mill is hard to turn down. I think he's absolutely gone.

But I also thought James and Malcolm were gone.

Beanie is even on another level compared to those guys when talking about the draft. Top 3 pick.
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I surely hope Beanie sticks around for his senior season (as do ALL of the Buckeyes on this board), but the Tressel Train will keep on rolling if he chooses to move on to the league. Things look good with Herron & Saine taking over the reigns, Lamaar Thomas could add a little spice to the position, plus we'll have Hall, Hyde & possibly Berry adding depth as froshes.

Beanie will be a sure-fire top 10 pick when he chooses to leave for the NFL. It's up to him when he thinks he's done all he can at this level before going to the next level with different challenges.
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From what an agent acquaintance told me, players insurance policies against injury don't pay out the way people think. The language of them is pretty much geared toward only paying if the guy can never play again.

I'm not an agent, don't play one on TV and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night so tifwiy.
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MililaniBuckeye;1240354; said:
How about asking Willis McGahee about getting drafted after a catastrophic knee injury in his last college game? How far did he fall in the draft? Hint: He was the very first RB selected in the 2003 draft, less then four months after his gruesome injury.

Unless Beanie gets paralyzed, no way he would fall out of the first round due to injury.
With the 23rd pick! That's a HUGE slide in draft slot and guaranteed money. McGahee likely goes top-5 before his injury. That cost him $20 million, $6 million guaranteed.

02 - Hurt McGahee - 23rd - 5 years, $15 million, $4 million signing bonus (only half up front IIRC)
05 - Ronnie Brown - 5th - 5 years, $35 million, $20 million guaranteed
06 - Deangelo Williams - 27th - 5 years, $14.5 million, not sure on guaranteed.
06 - Reggie Bush - 2nd - 6 years, $51 million, $26.2 million guaranteed
08 - McFadden - 5th - 6 years, $60 million, $26 million guaranteed
08 - Matt Ryan - 3rd - 6 years, $72 million, $35 million guaranteed :yow1: (I know it's apples to oranges, but wow)

The money at the bottom does not seem to have changed a ton... but the money up top is astronomical.

Beanie could be looking at close to $70 million, and $30 million guaranteed, compared with a $2.5 million injury policy (if he qualifies for it), or a $5-7 million guarantee IF his injury only causes him to slide to the 23rd pick or so.
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Chris Wells feels confident Don't talk to him about Heisman race. He just wants to improve
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sports writer

Published on Thursday, Aug 28, 2008
COLUMBUS: Ohio State running back Chris Wells looks the same, but something is a little different.
He remains an intense player, a minimalist with his words and statements. His teammates know to leave him alone when he's in his personal zone.
The difference with Wells was apparent at the Buckeyes' team-photo session this month. He was at ease with himself and the media horde that greets Heisman Trophy candidates.
Ask him why and the answer is simple.
''I'm more comfortable, and I'm more confident in myself and my ability on the field,'' he said. ''Just being out there. Just being around the guys more and more as a team makes me confident.''
Wells, who played with a broken wrist for part of last season and endured ankle problems, too, produced in big situations last year. He rushed for 1,609 yards and 15 touchdowns and was selected the team's most valuable player.
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Mili is right in his comparison between RBs and LB...especially MLBs.

BuckeyeNation27;1240374; said:
Wells isn't sticking around for anything....so I don't know what all the discussion is about. He's gone.
'27 is also right in his assessment. Everytime (at least in the Tressel era) that we've had a senior laden team, the top junior(s) left too.
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IronBuckI;1240638; said:
Mili is right in his comparison between RBs and LB...especially MLBs.

'27 is also right in his assessment. Every time (at least in the Tressel era) that we've had a senior laden team, the top junior(s) left too.

He's gone. I know him,his parents and his cousins. Grew up with them.
I was at his high school graduation and he had me over to his grandmother's house his senior year when ,Tressel and staff were over for a home visit. Only a very ,very,very, small chance but, he loves the young talent.
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You also have to keep in mind that the league is trying to cut down on the rookie contracts which are redicoulous. He could be taking a chance of getting screwed if he comes back after passing up 60+ million top 5, to only get 20-30 million top 5 the year after.
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