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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

IMHO, Boeckman is limited due to his lack of improvisation skills. TS improv's skills made him a nightmare for defenses. He might run or scramble or step up in the pocket on any given play. You had to cover the whole field with TS. You couldn't cheat.

Boeckman seems to have trouble with just stepping up in the pocket. It seems to break his rhythm. Running seems to break his rhythm too. If the receivers in his progression are covered, he doesn't know what to do. How many times has Boeckman just simply thrown the ball away? I'm sure he has thrown the ball away, but I can't remember one instance. Stepping up in the pocket or throwing the ball away doesn't require that much improvisation, but Boeckman seems unable to alter his approach. Unfortunately, improv skills are not highly teachable.

I hope I'm wrong and it is just that Boeckman doesn't trust his feet. But I way I see it, Boeckman success will be highly dependent on the strength of the defense. The lower scoring the game, the more successful Boeckman.

I apologize for the negativity.
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pokey;1077715; said:
I hope I'm wrong and it is just that Boeckman doesn't trust his feet.

That's kind of the opposite of what I saw the last few games. It looked like if his #1 and sometimes #2 options weren't open, he panicked. He got happy feet and immediately looked for somewhere to run. Todd has surprised me with his somewhat efficient running ability, but we all know he's not in there as a dual-threat guy. I think he put a little too much pressure on himself in the big games, like he said. No reason to think he won't improve upon his deficiencies this off-season.
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jwinslow;1077145; said:
Dispatch - BuckeyeXtra

Boeckman welcomes any and all competition

Re: Todd Boeckman acknowledges some missteps, but he's not worried about hearing footsteps.

Despite putting up one of the better seasons as a passer in Ohio State history, he might find himself in the odd position of defending his starting quarterback job heading into spring practice.


Isn't that the way it should be at every position? Nobody should be handed a starting job just based on a previous year's performance. You should have to earn your right to start each year, etc. You want "serious competion" at every position. The competition makes everyone better.

I expect Todd to be the starting QB in 2008; however, I don't think the job should just be handed to him.
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That's kind of the opposite of what I saw the last few games. It looked like if his #1 and sometimes #2 options weren't open, he panicked. He got happy feet and immediately looked for somewhere to run. Todd has surprised me with his somewhat efficient running ability, but we all know he's not in there as a dual-threat guy. I think he put a little too much pressure on himself in the big games, like he said. No reason to think he won't improve upon his deficiencies this off-season.
I would agree. TS was a fantastic runner and a pretty good passer during his Jr year. That next offseason is when he really grew into a fantastic passer, you could really see the growth. I hope that happens for TB as well.
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JackforPrez;1078356; said:
I would agree. TS was a fantastic runner and a pretty good passer during his Jr year. That next offseason is when he really grew into a fantastic passer, you could really see the growth. I hope that happens for TB as well.
Troy grew as a passer during the season, namely scUM and ND Fiesta Bowl he looked very sharp throwing the ball.
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Troy grew as a passer during the season, namely scUM and ND Fiesta Bowl he looked very sharp throwing the ball.
That's what I mean, he was a "good passer" previous to his final season. He came in that last year looking like a pro-style QB. His accuracy was much sharper during his last compared to the season before that. I'm as big a fan of TS as anyone, I'm just saying there was a noticeable difference between TS from his Jr year to Sr year in terms of how great of a passer he was.
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Penn State

Don't worry...

Hopefully "Penn State Todd" will turn into "All Day Todd".

That'd be nice. I remember that game. I was drunk and happy and watching it on TV. Boeckman was slingin' the rock. I actually remember saying to myself "who is this guy" after watching the Akron and Washington games.

Stewart Mandel was even brash (or dumb) enough to write an article titled "Shades of Brady". What the hell?

But I think Todd is our best option and a good option at that. Now just throw the ball, kid!
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Todd Boeckman has officialy graduated!

Congrats Todd on graduating yesterday with a Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology! Yes, Gordon Gee made a special mention of this at the graduation ceremony.

This is good for us Buckeye fans....as I expect you to spend the extra time that you have studying film just like Troy!

I am excited about this, as I think that this is gonna be a HUGE year for you! Can't wait for football season!
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I'm no football guru but I think with some extra time this season studying film with Coach Daniels, Todd can really improve his game for 2008. He's got all the physical talent you could ask for. He'll have more options to throw it to, a huge O-line to block for him, a Heisman contender in the backfield, and maybe another QB to help out for the occasional razzle-dazzle... :biggrin:
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