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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I think Todd trying to speed up his Release is easily the most important thing he could do from a team standpoint. We have WR who are very quick off the line, and not necessarily speed demons with straight line speed. We have the quick WR's, so a quicker release will help out Todd so much.
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QB Boeckman hit big throws in Buckeyes' first scrimmage

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Sunday, April 13, 2008

COLUMBUS ? Todd Boeckman was allowed to operate in a demilitarized zone during Ohio State's full-contact scrimmage Saturday, April 12, donning a black jersey instead of the scarlet worn by the rest of the offense, to indicate he wasn't supposed to be tackled.
But coach Jim Tressel's decision to keep his starting quarterback out of the line of fire didn't garner universal support.

"Kurt Coleman asked me, 'When is Todd going to have a red jersey on?'" Tressel said of the safety from Northmont. "You know Kurt, he always wants to hit someone. I said, 'The first time you'll see Todd in a red jersey is in the locker room on Aug. 30 (before the season-opener). If you want to hit him in the restroom, go ahead.'"

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flybuckeye;1191458; said:
A friend of mine was talking to Lawrence Wilson last week and asked him if he thought Pryor would play much this year. Wilson said "No, Boeckman is the man."

Not at all surprising, Boeckman is the starter, but Pryor will be used. You don't let that talent sit on the bench. That said the smart thing to say as a teammate, or tell your players to say as a coach, is that Todd is our leader.
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NFBuck;1202911; said:
Yeah, lots of reports of TB stepping up as a leader which would indicate a rise in confidence...something he seemed to lack late in the season last year. Good news.

Yeah, but he's playing in shorts. If he can keep that confidence after he gets knocked around a few times, the sky's the limit for this offense.
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One fact that gets lost in the shuffle when talking about Boeckman is that his 2007 stats as a first year starter and a junior are ranked 5th in school history. The four ahead of him: Germaine, Hoying, Schlichter, and Smith were all seniors. Last year, TB had a reputation as a leader, but a calm, quiet one. Maybe this year he will become more vocal. TB had a lot of pressure on him last year, asked to lead an offense that only had two senior starters. This year, the offense is loaded with 4th and 5th year players who all have the experience of two NC runs. The O doesn't have to make huge strides from last year, just be consistent and minimize mistakes. Everyone seems to think that TB just needs to play safe and "not lose games". I think he has the skills to be a great QB. If a true burner 3rd WR emerges who can stretch the field, it should open up a lot of options for him. Don't be surprised if TB's numbers this year are good enough for 3rd all time.
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