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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I'm really excited to see what Boeckman can do next year. The things he showed last year, combined with Beanie running the ball, a solid offensive line, the WRs progressing and hopefully a deep threat emerging, and the added confidence of a year under his belt makes me think that Boeckman could be poised for a huge season.
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Buckeye86;1118813; said:
I'm really excited to see what Boeckman can do next year. The things he showed last year, combined with Beanie running the ball, a solid offensive line, the WRs progressing and hopefully a deep threat emerging, and the added confidence of a year under his belt makes me think that Boeckman could be poised for a huge season.

And now he'll be mentoring a new QB as he poises himself for another great season. I'm hyped about the potential offense we'll have this year.
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Just think guys... You got an experienced starter at Qb throwing behind one of the best oline's in the nation, the best RB in the nation, all of the recievers are back, the TE's can block/catch, you have people which defenses have to take account for on EVERY PLAY like brandon saine, and to top that off we have lamar thomas/Terrelle Pryor who will be weapons their first years as well. Todd (and the offense) has an abaressment of riches to get the ball to...
This offense should not be stopped very frequently next year. There's NO REASON they should. They have a specific type of player for every situation. Short distance you got a huge running back. You can now stretch the field horizontally with Terrelle Pryor from the QB position. We have the deep ball, and the intermediate passing. We have the capability to do screens for home runs with saine, small, and potentially Lamar Thomas. The only thing that could put this offense behind an 8 ball is if #63 doesn't learn how to stay onsides!
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This will be an interesting year for Todd. On one hand, the addition of Pryor will push Todd to be the best he can be. Everyone always talks about competition making players better. But on the other, he'll be under the microscope even more than last year. If we thought we heard a lot of "put the other guy in" last year...look out this season. It'll be key to our season (much like Florida's with Leak a few years back) for the senior leader to maintain his poise out there. I thought Leak did an outstanding job handling the pressure with Tebow behind him. Here's hoping that Todd will do the same.
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buckeyes_rock;1120094; said:
This will be an interesting year for Todd. On one hand, the addition of Pryor will push Todd to be the best he can be. Everyone always talks about competition making players better. But on the other, he'll be under the microscope even more than last year. If we thought we heard a lot of "put the other guy in" last year...look out this season. It'll be key to our season (much like Florida's with Leak a few years back) for the senior leader to maintain his poise out there. I thought Leak did an outstanding job handling the pressure with Tebow behind him. Here's hoping that Todd will do the same.
Obviously this thread is about Todd and the recent TP commitment has people in a frenzy, but it's amazing how people have forgotten about Antonio Henton. I think Antonio will provide as much competition for Todd as anyone else.
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matcar;1120103; said:
Obviously this thread is about Todd and the recent TP commitment has people in a frenzy, but it's amazing how people have forgotten about Antonio Henton. I think Antonio will provide as much competition for Todd as anyone else.

I agree. Just meant that there's been so much hype about TP that there's bound to more scrutiny this year than last.
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I envision Todd taking every meaningful snap next season, i suspect he starts every single game, including the Orange Bowl in January. The addition of TP should do nothing but help our quarterback situation, but make no mistake about it Boeckman will be the guy next season, with Henton and TP hopefully both getting some spot duty snaps.
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Boeckman takes lack of speed in stride
Friday, April 11, 2008 3:23 AM
By Ken Gordon

Todd Boeckman has always been comfortable in his skin. And he's not afraid to admit his skin doesn't move fast.

Asked if he would consider himself a mobile quarterback, the Ohio State senior said, "I wouldn't say mobile ? nothing like ? no, no I wouldn't."

He cracked a wide grin, typical of his unassuming, unpretentious nature. But all joking aside, Boeckman's lead-footed limitation appears dangerous at the moment.

For one, the trend in college football is to make defenses account for quarterbacks who might run. And second, hotshot freshman Terrelle Pryor will show up on campus late this summer, and rumor has it he can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Coach Jim Tressel has always liked mobile quarterbacks. He often mentions that Craig Krenzel was the leading rusher in the 2003 national championship game.

Tressel once did research in which he said he discovered that Ohio State has never lost when its quarterback did not throw an interception and rushed for at least 50 yards.

He also can point to the past two national champions, Florida and Louisiana State, to see successful two-quarterback systems -- Florida with Chris Leak and Tim Tebow and LSU with Matt Flynn and Ryan Perrilloux.

"I don't think you ever want to let the defense have a free pass, that your quarterback is not ever going to run, in college football right now," Tressel said.

So what does that mean for Boeckman? Probably that he will occasionally leave the field this fall as the coaching staff prepares a package of plays for Pryor, or possibly for sophomore Antonio Henton, who also is a good runner.

On using a two-quarterback system, Tressel said, "You'd love to have that luxury, but it has to be demonstrated that it's warranted."

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Boeckman takes lack of speed in stride
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Boeckman would welcome a helping hand
QB says he looks forward to Pryor joining Buckeyes
Friday, April 11, 2008
BY Mike Popovich

COLUMBUS The Terrelle Pryor watch dragged into March before the star high school quarterback from Jeannette, Pa., finally chose to sign with Ohio State.

It was arguably the most anticipated decision by a Buckeyes recruit in recent memory. The faction of fans who would love to see Pryor start right away are probably already eager for his arrival in a few months.

Incumbent quarterback Todd Boeckman, who helped lead Ohio State to a second straight national title game, cannot wait to take Pryor under his wing.

"I'm looking forward to it," Boeckman said. "From what I've heard, he's a great athlete. It's a mental game, and at first you have to know how to handle that. I'm excited to see what he can do."

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No Pryor commitments: QB job is for Boeckman to lose
OSU senior says it's unrealistic to expect a true freshman to come in and run the offense.
By Doug Harris
Staff Writer
Friday, April 11, 2008

COLUMBUS — Most Ohio State football players have only heard about the other-worldly talent of prep phenom Terrelle Pryor. Tight end Rory Nicol has seen it first-hand.

While home for a weekend visit in Beaver, Pa., Nicol watched his alma mater take on Pryor and the Jeannette High School Jayhawks in a regular-season game. Predictably, it was a mismatch.

"He's a big kid — about my size — and is running 4.3 (seconds) in the 40," Nicol said, shaking his head. "He was a man among boys. They couldn't stop him."

The 6-foot-6, 225-pound Pryor signed with OSU last month and will begin taking classes this summer. But while he's been likened to Vince Young and has earned numerous accolades — Parade Magazine player of the year, USA Today offensive player of the year, MVP of the U.S. Army All-American Bowl — Nicol believes even Pryor will find that the jump from high school to college is a daunting one.

"Todd's our quarterback," Nicol said of senior-to-be Todd Boeckman. "Anyone who says (Pryor) is going to come in and run our offense, they're out of their minds. No freshman can do that. Not here."

No Pryor commitments: QB job is for Boeckman to lose

Boeckman’s No. 1 concern is his own improvement
Jim Naveau - Apr. 10th, 2008
COLUMBUS — Not long after he finished answering questions about the quarterback before him, Todd Boeckman started being asked about the guy who might follow him.

Boeckman, a senior from St. Henry, threw for 2,379 yards and 25 touchdowns last season when he matched Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith by helping the Buckeyes get to the national championship game for a second consecutive season.

He is solidly entrenched as the starting quarterback this season on an OSU team that has 18 starters back from last year. But he spent close to half his time during an interview session after an Ohio State spring practice Thursday fielding questions about highly touted quarterback recruit Terrelle Pryor.

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Todd talks about going through his progressions in this article about TEs.


OSU Tight Ends Still Hoping for Bigger Role in Buckeye Offense
By John Porentas

First and foremost, Todd Boeckman is a year older, has a year of experience, and will likely do some things better this year than last. .

"Just in his progressions," said Peterson. "Anytime you have a quarterback that has been around the system for a while he's going from step A to step B and seeing the second and third reads in a progression.

"Todd has a year under his belt and we hope he sees more things and is able to see more things and is able to react to different situations, and he's been able to do that this spring," Peterson said.

For his part, Boeckman said that going through his reads more consistently is something he is definitely trying to improve this spring.

"One thing that is a big emphasis for me right now is check downs," said Boeckman.

"I very rarely threw those," he said, verifying what Peterson had said.

Cont'd ...
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