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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Buckeyes27;1059926; said:
Good point! organizing packages for each player will be key. This is a possiblity. What if we had a set for Boeckman working with beanie, big passer with power runner. A package for Proyer and Saine, llinois/West Virginia style. That lines our speedy back field together and our power back field together. The option would be key in the Proyer/Saine.
Jack of all trades.. master of none.
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We got out of Todd Boeckman what we have expected out of Boeckman all season- solid but not spectacular quarterback play. The Small INT should have been thrown a little further out, but Ray has to go make a play on that ball. The other INT, it looked like he was scared to step into the throw, which I can understand after the beating he had taken all night. He didn't follow through because he didn't want the forward momentum, thus causing the ball to float. As for the fumble, I saw a replay and it still looked like a forward pass to me. I dont know how jumping into a stationary ball propels it 8 feet backwards, but hey I am no physicist.
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BengalsAndBucks;1060984; said:
We got out of Todd Boeckman what we have expected out of Boeckman all season- solid but not spectacular quarterback play. The Small INT should have been thrown a little further out, but Ray has to go make a play on that ball. The other INT, it looked like he was scared to step into the throw, which I can understand after the beating he had taken all night. He didn't follow through because he didn't want the forward momentum, thus causing the ball to float. As for the fumble, I saw a replay and it still looked like a forward pass to me. I dont know how jumping into a stationary ball propels it 8 feet backwards, but hey I am no physicist.
I'm pretty sure Todd was heavily pressured and unable to step into the first INT which is why it was underthrown... spot on with the second INT.
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bkochmc;1060993; said:
I'm pretty sure Todd was heavily pressured and unable to step into the first INT which is why it was underthrown... spot on with the second INT.

He was under pressure most of the night. But, that one he(Boeckman)says he let fly hoping Small would make a play. The second one, Hartline pulled up causing an overthrow.
Boeckman played prettty well under all that pressure which will pay dividends next year and at USC, Illinois and Wiscy. :biggrin:
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Taosman;1061001; said:
He was under pressure most of the night. But, that one he(Boeckman)says he let fly hoping Small would make a play. The second one, Hartline pulled up causing an overthrow.
Boeckman played prettty well under all that pressure which will pay dividends next year and at USC, Illinois and Wiscy. :biggrin:
I agree... I'm in the boat that thought Todd played a good game overall. I think the pressure of the game got to him a bit once LSU settled in but he played better Monday than he did against Illinois or scUM (weather conditions not withstanding).
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Todd perceived pressure that wasn't there, and ran into pressure for most of the second half. He did not perform well under pressure, IMO, and needs to make large strides in keeping his eyes downfield, rather than looking at the rush the second that the ball is snapped. I saw a lot of happy feet from every first year starter that I can remember watching at tOSU. Next year will be the year that he has to prove that he can handle the pressure, or the always classy boo birds and calls for the backup are going to be louder than Justin Zwick ever heard. In fact. They've already begun with many of the non-BP fans that I've had to listen to over the last couple of days.
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Two things to add-

1) We have good WR's but they are not able to easly get seperation againist good man to man coverage this year. There were not to many wide shots on the TV Monday night, but every one I saw the LSU DB's were running step for step with our WR's. Ever since TG went down, we have not had someone I would call elusive.

2) By the same token TB is not elusive in the pocket. It seemed once LSU DL read pass they came hell bent without to much consideration for lane integrity.

If TB's the man again next year, I think we have to hope for two thing. 1) That Devier, Stoney or Flash bring back the elusive at WR and 2) TB and the coach staff work on some thing that will slow down the pass rush.
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sflbuck;1061337; said:
Two things to add-

1) We have good WR's but they are not able to easly get seperation againist good man to man coverage this year. There were not to many wide shots on the TV Monday night, but every one I saw the LSU DB's were running step for step with our WR's. Ever since TG went down, we have not had someone I would call elusive.

2) By the same token TB is not elusive in the pocket. It seemed once LSU DL read pass they came hell bent without to much consideration for lane integrity.

If TB's the man again next year, I think we have to hope for two thing. 1) That Devier, Stoney or Flash bring back the elusive at WR and 2) TB and the coach staff work on some thing that will slow down the pass rush.

The newbies will be a big help but they will need a season before they can produce. Don't discount Ray, Dane, and Hartline - they're plenty elusive and dangerous. The newbies will give us more depth at WR, one thing that JT said post game (ie speed depth).
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utgrad73;1061363; said:
The newbies will be a big help but they will need a season before they can produce. Don't discount Ray, Dane, and Hartline - they're plenty elusive and dangerous. The newbies will give us more depth at WR, one thing that JT said post game (ie speed depth).

I know Ray, Brian and the others are plenty fast. I quess I miss the ability that Teddy seemed to have of making a move, having the DB bite and then flying by him. It was his ability to get up to speed quickly that really set him apart. Maybe I am wrong but I don't remember many plays this year like that. Maybe I should accept the TG is a once in a generation type player.

We very young as a team this year, so another year of experience should help everyone.
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IronBuckI;1061754; said:
I might have missed something, but it looks like those two are being discussed because of and including Todd, not instead of Todd. Is there a 2008 QB thread? Should there be?

Not in my opinion. But then, if more people were like me, the Pryor thread would be 4 pages long and would never have been locked.

Todd is the QB. He has a season of experience. We don't have another QB on the team that has started a game.
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Despite not turning in his finest performance, I really don't know how much you can really say about this kid. Everyone knew from the start that Todd was going to play a big role this season, but his role is to be performed within the context of the larger offense, which when you boil down to it, really comes down to the horse at tailback, Chris Wells, and relying on other playmakers on offense and defense. Florida didn't win the championship last season because Leak was the best QB in the country, or even in his own conference. And LSU certainly didn't win the championship because Matt Flynn is going to be a future number 1 pick. Those guys, like Boeckman, played with a cast of great players and played within the confines of their roles. Nothing more, nothing less. I really think we put Todd out of his comfort zone monday night by playing him outside of the confines where we knew he could succeed.
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Thing that stood out to me about Todd's performance was his lack of zip and wobbleness on his passes.

Didn't seem like he had anything on his throws.

Still wondering if there isn't an arm issue we don't know about.
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