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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Matthew Stafford, Mark Sanchez among 2009 NFL draft QB prospects - Bucky Brooks - SI.com

I think it's complete crap that Pat White, Nathan Brown, Cullen Harper, Graham Harrell, and Brian-freaking-Hoyer are considered better pro prospects. White's not going to play a down of QB. Harrell can't even get the ball off his shoulder. Hoyer has nothing on Todd. Brown played D-1AA and doesn't have any special skillset. Harper is the only one I can understand but he looked just as bad this year as Todd and both of their poor performances were mostly due to their OL.

I don't think Todd will ever be a starter in the league but he can be a quality back-up for a long time. That's a lot more than I think can be said for those other QB's.
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OregonBuckeye;1406911; said:
Matthew Stafford, Mark Sanchez among 2009 NFL draft QB prospects - Bucky Brooks - SI.com

I think it's complete crap that Pat White, Nathan Brown, Cullen Harper, Graham Harrell, and Brian-freaking-Hoyer are considered better pro prospects. White's not going to play a down of QB. Harrell can't even get the ball off his shoulder. Hoyer has nothing on Todd. Brown played D-1AA and doesn't have any special skillset. Harper is the only one I can understand but he looked just as bad this year as Todd and both of their poor performances were mostly due to their OL.

I don't think Todd will ever be a starter in the league but he can be a quality back-up for a long time. That's a lot more than I think can be said for those other QB's.


I've seen Brian Hoyer, and he, sir, is no Todd Boeckman

Ironically, both QBs had arguably better prospects at QB on their team.
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[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]cfn.scout.com - 2009 NFL Draft - [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]Preworkout Rankings[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]The Top Quarterback Prospects[/FONT]

21. Todd Boeckman, Ohio State 6-4, 230
Positives: Excellent size and good accuracy with time. Handled himself well with Terrelle Pryor situation.
Negatives: Negatives: A sitting duck at times against fast defenses. Needs work on throwing motion.

And just for laughs...
10. Hunter Cantwell, Louisville 6-4, 240
Positives: Great size and excellent arm. Looks the part and could be good with the right coaching.
Negatives: A statue....Needs a lot of seasoning and reps. Only started one year and was average.
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Ohio State football: Boeckman out to win over scouts on pro day
Friday, March 13, 2009
By Ken Gordon

In his trademark modest way, former Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman is making his case to be in an NFL training camp this summer.

"Hopefully, some teams will see what I did -- I played decent and we won a lot of games -- and give me a shot somewhere," said Boeckman, who went 13-3 as a starter before being deposed by Terrelle Pryor early last season.

Boeckman was not invited to the NFL scouting combine in February, so today's pro day at OSU is his chance to demonstrate his skills.

Boeckman isn't the best at delivering a stirring stump speech, but others are doing it for him.

"I don't think there's any question that he has the skill set (to be in the NFL)," said former Ohio State quarterback Craig Krenzel, who spent two years in the NFL. "He's a big kid (6 feet 4, 244 pounds) and he has a strong arm. I would be shocked, I mean floored, if he wasn't given a good, fair opportunity to make a squad."

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Ohio State football: Boeckman out to win over scouts on pro day
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Boeckman is ranked where is for a reason. He has no pocket presence, a penchant for the deep ball (which he doesn't throw that well), panics under pressure, and has an average release. He's just barely draftable on most days and maybe, maybe, worth a fourth on his best. Pat White and Graham Harrell are, at the very least, twice the prospects Boeckman is. I don't think you understand what makes a decent pro prospect if you really think Boeckman is as deserving as you imply. The fact that this is a bad year for quarterbacks is an even further indictment of his ability.
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Viking;1428364; said:
Boeckman is ranked where is for a reason. He has no pocket presence, a penchant for the deep ball (which he doesn't throw that well), panics under pressure, and has an average release. He's just barely draftable on most days and maybe, maybe, worth a fourth on his best. Pat White and Graham Harrell are, at the very least, twice the prospects Boeckman is. I don't think you understand what makes a decent pro prospect if you really think Boeckman is as deserving as you imply. The fact that this is a bad year for quarterbacks is an even further indictment of his ability.

Yikes. :eek:
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Viking;1428364; said:
Boeckman is ranked where is for a reason. He has no pocket presence, a penchant for the deep ball (which he doesn't throw that well), panics under pressure, and has an average release. He's just barely draftable on most days and maybe, maybe, worth a fourth on his best. Pat White and Graham Harrell are, at the very least, twice the prospects Boeckman is. I don't think you understand what makes a decent pro prospect if you really think Boeckman is as deserving as you imply. The fact that this is a bad year for quarterbacks is an even further indictment of his ability.

but Brian Hoyer was invited to the combine.......under no circumstances can you convince me Brian Hoyer is a better NFL prospect. Todd Boeckman would have owned the MSU starting job last year had he hypothetically been a Spartan.
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Viking;1428364; said:
Boeckman is ranked where is for a reason. He has no pocket presence, a penchant for the deep ball (which he doesn't throw that well), panics under pressure, and has an average release. He's just barely draftable on most days and maybe, maybe, worth a fourth on his best. Pat White and Graham Harrell are, at the very least, twice the prospects Boeckman is. I don't think you understand what makes a decent pro prospect if you really think Boeckman is as deserving as you imply. The fact that this is a bad year for quarterbacks is an even further indictment of his ability.

No pass protection does that to QBs. Give Todd some time to throw and he can look good. We saw what he could do. We also saw what he couldn't do, and that was play well without good blocking.
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billmac91;1428371; said:
but Brian Hoyer was invited to the combine.......under no circumstances can you convince me Brian Hoyer is a better NFL prospect. Todd Boeckman would have owned the MSU starting job last year had he hypothetically been a Spartan.

Correct. Boeckman was really good when he had even decent protection, but tended to get quite rattled when under pressure. Hoyer was the same...just look how bad we made Hoyer look when we were on his ass the entire game. Boeckman's good game is better than Hoyer's good game.
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