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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Really happy to see Todd in there last night and play in a way that I believe allows him to "go out on a positive note" so to speak.

...not that the way he handled this entire season couldn't easily be considered "a positive note" in and of itself, but it was satisfying for me to see him have success on the field in a big game for his final few snaps as a Buckeye. (and I think it could also go a long way in giving him some confidence going forward toward the Senior All Star Bowl Games / NFL Combine / Draft, etc.)

Good game last night, Todd. Good luck in the future. :oh:
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Basebuck;1375225; said:
It's crazy to think that he was on the same team as Maurice, Mike Doss, and all of those guys. That seems like forever ago. I could see him being on the staff next year in some capacity if he so chooses

I may be wrong about this, but I am not sure he was...Doss' last season was in 2002, and Boeckman's gray shirt year was in 2003. Clarett was on the team in 2003, but Doss was the year before Boeckman.
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easterbunny06;1375267; said:
I may be wrong about this, but I am not sure he was...Doss' last season was in 2002, and Boeckman's gray shirt year was in 2003. Clarett was on the team in 2003, but Doss was the year before Boeckman.

You may be right. I was thinking that he started his first year that January (2003) in time for bowl practices
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Article published Wednesday, January, 2009
OSU QB Boeckman comes full circle

Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman (17) is hit by Texas' Brian Orakpo (98) during the first quarter of the Fiesta Bowl on Monday night. Boeckman finished with 110 passing yards.

GLENDALE, Ariz. - Todd Boeckman wore a mask fashioned out of irony almost the entire 2008 season. A senior captain, returning starter and a quarterback who had led his team to the national title game the previous year, Boeckman had to display a brave and positive face despite being relegated to a backup role after just three games. As he repeatedly praised his team for winning a fourth straight Big Ten title, he suffered bitter individual disappointment from his very minor role in the conquest. Monday night in the Fiesta Bowl, Boeckman's dance with incongruity continued. He won a personal battle, while the Buckeyes lost a critical war. Boeckman started the game at quarterback as the Buckeyes employed a creative dual-quarterback system that placed freshman Terrelle Pryor, who had dethroned Boeckman back in September, at wide receiver. The innovation allowed Boeckman to have his moments, including a 14-yard completion to Brian Robiskie on the first play of the game, a 48-yard strike to Robiskie to start the fourth quarter and a five-yard scoring pass to Pryor that helped the Buckeyes score 15 straight points in the final period to take the lead."Todd actually saved us, because I had a pretty bad game, and Todd came in and threw like an NFL quarterback would," Pryor said after the loss. "Like I've said before, he's a great quarterback."
Tressel, who said during the season that his benching of Boeckman in favor of the more mobile Pryor was done strictly to give the Buckeyes the best chance to win, lauded his senior.
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Totally forgot this until just now!

I can't remember if this was X-mas or New Years or somewhere in between. I was drunk for about a week. Anyways my roommate ran into Todd at McSober's, Todd's brother is part owner of the bar, he said he'd been hearing alot of good things about his draft status. Definite by 5th-6th round but has been hearing as high as mid 3rd. Anyways best of luck to Todd!
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Good to hear Mercer... Considering his past experience and leadership he has shown this year I could definately see him getting a chance... I mean Matt "I haven't started a game since high school" Cassel got drafted in the final round and had a hell of a year this year with over 3600 yds and an 89.4 efficiency rating. I don't see why Todd couldn't. Especially with teams like KC, NYJ (Farve is a joke at this point just retire), Chicago, SF, and StL could definately use some help.
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Don't be surprised if Todd has a great Senior day and sneaks into the draft or gets picked up as rookie free-agent.

He still has great size and a great arm. Unfortunately for him we brought in the #1 ranked QB, and had an O-line content with watching him get the shit kicked out of him.

By no means am I saying he is the next Matt Cassel, but I could see Todd going in the sixth or seventh round after impressing at Senior Day workouts.

And Todd might even get invited to the Senior Bowl or Shrine Bowl.
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Todd needs to get hooked up with the just the right franchise. They will need a great QB coach and hopefully a headcoach with QB experience. He also needs to go to an established coach who is willing to develop players. Alot of NFL coaches don't think it is there job to develop players, it's the "we're all professionals here" mentality. If you can't play NOW get out of the league. That being said I think he's got a good chance because in my mind the combine is something Todd should excel at.
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osugrad21;1382545; said:
Scout$--Senior Retrospective: Todd Boeckman

Rundown of TB's time as a Buckeye, his 5 Gold Pants, and the way he handled the demotion.

TB ======= True Buckeye

One of my all-time favorites

As I get older, it's less and less about ability and more about the man - and Todd had/has more ability than he will be remembered for. If he ever goes into coaching, I already know that I would have no problem sending my son to play for him.
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