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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)


OSU notebook: Boeckman receives a hero's welcome

Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:17 PM
By Tim May, Ken Gordon and Bill Rabinowitz


Todd Boeckman appreciated the pregame ovation he received. But what meant more to Boeckman was that it wasn't the last time the crowd cheered for him today.
The senior quarterback, who led Ohio State to the national championship game last season before being benched after three games this season, contributed to the Buckeyes' 42-7 win over Michigan.
He entered the game early in the fourth quarter with OSU leading 35-7, and the fans voiced their approval. The cheers intensified three plays later when Boeckman threw an 18-yard touchdown to Brian Hartline.

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OSUBasketballJunkie;1336073; said:

"I had to help him because I had to do what's best for this football team," Boeckman said. "Terrelle's a phenomenal athlete. I'm looking forward to see what he can do in the future. "You can't divide a team or separate a team when something like that happens. I just figured the best thing for me would be to be a team player and do what's best for the team. Terrelle did some great things out there this year, and he's getting better each and every week. I'm excited for him."

What a great, great guy! Can't wait to see where he ends up after this year! :oh:
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We've discussed the offensive line and mobility issues a lot already and I don't see much point in continuing the discussion. I see something else that does. It's a bit Tressel-like but consider it heartfelt.

I am one of those people who believes that life gives us tests to help us rise to higher levels of humanity. Call it spiritual development, if you like. So many times, these opportunities to advance present us with the dilemma of denying our own interests in order to serve the interests of the whole.

Todd Boeckman has been presented with such an opportunity this year. In it, he has learned how to lead by the dynamic force of example. These skills are far more important in life than the "on the field" skills he might have learned if he continued starting for the Buckeyes.

Learning these lessons has been painful for Todd. Yet, in accepting this challenge, he has educated us all about how to handle disappointment with grace and dignity. A lot of kids who idolize him will have learned something about how to live their lives.

My memory is that participating in sports really wasn't about the money. It was wanting to demonstrate that you could be the best that you could be.

Isn't that what Todd Boeckman has achieved? And, in that, hasn't he won far more than he ever could have won on the field?

Personally, I don't think Todd is capable of being an all-pro quarterback. But I am sure that he has what is needed to be a leader. My favorite prof at Fisher College of Business used to say that "values can't be taught, they can be caught".

From what I have seen of Todd Boeckman this year, he appears to have an incredibly bright future ahead of him. When he finishes his next and final game, no matter what happens on the field, he will go out a winner.
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OSUbuckeye09;1336277; said:
If Matt Casel for the patriots is now starting and he hasnt started a game since high school i strongly believe that someone will pick up TB.
I hope you are right, and that Boeckman lands in the same type of insulated backup role. That'd give him time to continue his development.
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The boeck-man chant sent shivers down my spine as it rained down from the shoe.

The best part?

It came before the td pass

A great senior day and final home game for a class act. Hats off to you, Todd.

glad to hear this was a stadium-wide thing that could be heard on the field. I know 9C was chanting it and I hoped everybody else had joined.
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BuckeyeNation27;1336356; said:
glad to hear this was a stadium-wide thing that could be heard on the field. I know 9C was chanting it and I hoped everybody else had joined.
awesome, I was in the south endzone. It wasn't a thundering 'bea-nie' chant, so I wasn't sure how loud it was.

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"I had to help him because I had to do what's best for this football team," Boeckman said. "Terrelle's a phenomenal athlete. I'm looking forward to see what he can do in the future. "You can't divide a team or separate a team when something like that happens. I just figured the best thing for me would be to be a team player and do what's best for the team.

Sounds like a future coach.
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If Joe Flacco can get noticed out of Delaware I don't see why Todd can't get at least drafted at some point.

I really hope that he can make something in the NFL. To me he has what it takes to make it. Just needs more work, obviously

I'm so happy that Todd had a great senior day though.
Still angers me that people would actually boo him. I'd love to punch the idiots in the face who did that earlier this year.
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*OSUBucknut10*;1336801; said:
If Joe Flacco can get noticed out of Delaware I don't see why Todd can't get at least drafted at some point.

I really hope that he can make something in the NFL. To me he has what it takes to make it. Just needs more work, obviously
I don't know if Todd even needs that much work. He just needs a line that is built to keep a pocket passer upright. When his O-Line is on (Penn State last year) he looks like a 2nd/3rd round pick.

Todd is the same height (6'4") and nearly 20 pounds heavier (244 vs 225) than Krenzel. I think Todd his the arm, the decision making ability, and the confidence when he has the time and the playmakers around him making the plays. He just has that prototypical QB body type that make NFL guys say "value" and "upside." Somebody will give him a shot. Certainly, he's one of those guys that'll get 32 phone calls for a tryout post draft if he winds up a an undrafted free agent.

TB's financial future will probably be determined by the Senior Bowl or the East/West Shrine Game or whatever post post-season game he gets an invite to. If he gets that opportunity, and an NFL staff conducive to success, one of those all-star bowls will give him a stage to showcase his talent.
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