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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

sandgk;1051648; said:
I don't believe you can use the template by which Ohio State beat a much less talented Defense in the Fiesta Bowl against ND to provide a 1st down gameplan in New Orleans.

The thing which might work best is instead to make calls that go against the grain - assuming (reasonably) that a particular offensive set will make for a given Defensive response. Runs on some passing downs, passes out of run formations, these are the basic forms. Call it as a game is called when facing a very able Defensive opponent.

Which ND was not.

Yup. UF's coaches said we were very predictable last year after studying our game tape. I'm sure we've learned from that.
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OSU offense: Coach looks to QB's feet to ensure better passing

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Sunday, January 06, 2008

COLUMBUS ? Ohio State coach Jim Tressel won't have to follow the flight of the ball to know whether Todd Boeckman's passes are on target in the national championship game.
All the coach needs to do is keep his eyes on his quarterback's feet.
Boeckman far exceeded expectations in his first year as a starter, but the junior from St. Henry finished the year with a whimper, throwing four interceptions in his last two games. And Tressel believes the source of the problem was Boeckman's technique.

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Boeckman steps up for Buckeyes
First-year starter does his best to fill Smith's shoes
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Sunday, Jan 06, 2008

It has been said that no one wants to be the person who replaces a legend. Everyone should strive to be the person who replaces the person who replaced the legend.
But Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman didn't have much of a choice. Boeckman, a 23-year-old redshirt junior, knew that when Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith graduated, the Buckeyes' offense would be his for the taking.
''(Troy) did so many great things at Ohio State ? won the Heisman, set a lot of records. His winning percentage is
unbelievable,'' Boeckman said. ''And I knew it was tough coming in and I had to do the little things right, to step up and stay focused at all times. I knew I couldn't make too many mistakes, because he did so many things with his legs that I wasn't capable of doing. I had to come in there and do my job, and I think the guys around me helped me out also.''

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UpNorthBuckeye;1051640; said:
Todd will be fine, as long as the PLAYCALLING is sharp.

We need creativity on first down IMHO. I don't think we can play like the second half of the scUM game (although that was appropriate for that game).

Throw it down field, reverses, quick snaps. Or like the NC game, let the quarterback take it and hit the gap and pick up 5 or 6 yards.
Hey UpNorth,
Trying to recuperate from last night in the Big Easy.
I think you will get your wish in terms of play calling. I can't imagine the coaches asking the players to step up and remember last year's pain - without retooling themselves.
I think Jake Ballard is the first play. And let Todd B scramble a la Krenzel v Miami. If I'm lsu's d coach I'm trying to stop Wells first, and forcing Boeckman to beat me with his arm.

Dammit, I'm nervous. I can actually see the Superdome from my bed! Too much.
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According to Eleven Warriors, this is Todd's woman, Shannon Heacock. Nice!!

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During a talk I had with Solomon Thomas over Thanksgiving break, he said that Todd Boeckman was one of the best people you could talk to, and that he always seemed to be very calm.

I'm not worried one bit about his composure during the big game tonight. 5 years has prepped him for this.
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Boeckman latest in long line of St. Henry standouts

Jim Naveau | [email protected] - 01.07.2008

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]NEW ORLEANS ? Todd Boeckman?s emergence as Ohio State?s starting quarterback this season has brought back an old question.
Just how does St. Henry, a town of 2,200 people, produce so many outstanding football players?
St. Henry has had three NFL starters (Jim Lachey, Jeff Hartings, Bob Hoying), two Ohio State starting quarterbacks (Hoying and Boeckman) and a two-time first-team All-American (Hartings).
Since 1981, eight St. Henry players have received scholarships from Big Ten football teams. Many more have played for Mid-American Conference teams, walked on at Ohio State and other places and played for smaller division colleges.
But size isn?t the only thing that makes St. Henry?s story unusual. By the standards of high schools that have a history of sending players to big-time college football programs, St. Henry is a new kid on the block.
The first season St. Henry put a football team on the field was 1970.


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Todd has had better games. Congrats to LSU for playing a cleaner and better game. They did what they had to do and we didn't. Some of Todd's mistakes were created by the suspect play calling. Wow what a let down. Getting to 2 in a row is a great feat, just wish we could have won one.
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I don't pin this on Todd, but he looked scared at times, just as he did v. ILL.

He's the starter going into Spring, but I see a Zwick/Smith battle shaping up. At this point, I've seen enough to know I 'd like to see something else.
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