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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

7Brutus7;1038697; said:
Well let's hope that the first play is not a long bomb to Robo, who scores a 70 yard TD, is injured during the celebration, and then we go to sleep for the rest of the game

I don't know Todd so I have no idea what kind of personality he has and whether or not he could be putting too much pressure on himelf, but I do worry about his thinking too much and becoming mechanical. Qb's have been known to worry too much about mechanics rather than rely on their athletic abilty and as a result simply become mechanical.

I don't see a long throw for at least a few drives. Many of those long passes that TB threw this season were actually under thrown by several yards and ended up as completions only due to a great catch or because the Db's were so badly burned that it didn't matter. If I were calling plays this would be on my mind as we will be facing the most talented Db's we've seen this year.
I think it would be best to mix some shorter passes with runs and try to get the Db's cheating a bit before attempting a long pass.
If there is a weakness to LSU defense it may be against the run. They gave up just over 100 yards a game and I would hope that Beanie can have some big plays against them. They also picked a boat load of passes this year. Show we can run and then hit'em long!
In the end though it all depends on what coverage TB sees when they line up.
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Many of those long passes were under thrown by design. The late picks were due receiver, and QB injuries. The bad mechanics also made the under throws even more under thrown. If we come out gunning, I like our chances much better than being overly conservative.
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Boeckman makes the most of his shot
Thursday, January 3, 2008
BY Mike Popovich

COLUMBUS Ohio State?s Todd Boeckman has been here before.

There was less time to get ready for the big moment, but the preparation was serious. The media scrutiny was not as intense, though plenty of questions were asked and answered.

It is all part of the job when you are the starting quarterback in a championship game.

Boeckman?s first taste came a little over eight years ago at Fawcett Stadium. Playing for his father, Tim, the high school freshman led St. Henry to the Division V state title game against Amanda-Clearcreek.

?I was so nervous,? Boeckman said.

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Ohio State QB makes nice catch, too
Boeckman has been dating daughter of defensive coordinator for the past two years.
By Doug Harris

Staff Writer

Saturday, January 05, 2008

NEW ORLEANS ? Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman always does whatever he can to please his offensive coaches.

And when he's away from football, he tries to stay on the good side of defensive coordinator Jim Heacock.

Boeckman has been dating Shannon Heacock, the coach's daughter, for two years. And while the junior from St. Henry has become a regular part of family gatherings, he wasn't sure at first how the relationship would go over.

"I stayed away from him the first couple of months," Boeckman said, laughing.

Shannon Heacock, 24, is a petite Ohio University grad and a second-grade teacher at Tyler Run Elementary School in Columbus. The two were introduced by mutual friends and clicked right away.

"He's nice, calm, laid back, very easygoing," Shannon said. "He's always putting other people before himself. When you're an Ohio State football player, you tend to think you're better than other people. And he's just not like that."

Ohio State QB makes nice catch, too
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I like Boeckman's chances of having a good game. One of the biggest factors of his poor play down the stretch was the cold weather IMO.

Obviously, the Michigan game was brutal conditions, but the Illinois game was probably the coldest day Columbus had up to that point and the Wisconsin game wasn't great weather for winging the ball around either.

Inside the dome, with a nice temperature and zero wind has to be a nice feeling as opposed to a frozen football and 15mph gusts of wind.
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Todd Boeckman just the latest in a pipeline from St. Henry that included Jim Lachey, Bobby Hoying
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer
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ST. HENRY -- On fall football Fridays, the steeple of the Catholic church is visible from the Wally Post Athletic Complex.

Fitting, since God is the only priority that ranks higher than football at St. Henry, this small, sleepy southwest town just 10 miles east of the Indiana border.

Football didn't become a varsity sport until the 1970s, but this public school has churned out some of the top players over the last 30 years.

Former Ohio State and Washington Redskins star Jim Lachey was the first elite athlete to graduate in 1981.

Ten years later, Bob Hoying followed, leaving St. Henry to star at quarterback at Ohio State.

Now it's Todd Boeckman's turn.

Boeckman waited five years for this opportunity, to be the starting quarterback at Ohio State. Now that he's here, he is 11-1 as a starter, the same record as the Buckeyes. He has taken them back to the national championship game one year after no one thought it was possible.

The Morning Journal - Todd Boeckman just the latest in a pipeline from St. Henry that included Jim Lachey, Bobby Hoying
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toledoblade.com -- Don't need a hero: Boeckman tries to regain form

Don't need a hero: Boeckman tries to regain form

NEW ORLEANS - Ohio State does not need quarterback Todd Boeckman to be a hero Monday night.

He just has to avoid being the goat as the Buckeyes face Louisiana State in the BCS national championship game.

In his last two starts of the regular season, Boeckman threw for zero touchdowns and had four passes intercepted.

Three of the latter came against Illinois in OSU's only loss of the season. Goat meat. Then, on a cold, rainy day at Michigan that made any passing game dicey, at best, the Bucks put a saddle on running back Beanie Wells and Boeckman threw for just 50 yards.

Todd's maturity and composure will help us win this game.
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OregonBuckeye;1050563; said:
Those numbers are more than solid. If he puts those up, not only will he be in the Heisman race but he'll be in prime position to go in the 1st round next year.
Well, I was factoring in certain things, like his high percentage, below 300 yards, and 2 TDs tendencies. If he plays like he did the first 10 games of the season, we should be fine.
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Todd will be fine, as long as the PLAYCALLING is sharp.

Every few months I watch the Fiesta Bowl against Notre Dame --- I'm sure you're all familiar with it.

In that game, the Buckeyes had five or six big-yardage plays... Teddy's long TD reception, his reverse for a touchdown, pittman's long td, etc.

All of the big yardage plays came on first down, and except for Pittman's run with two minutes left, none of them were typical power formation handoffs.

We need creativity on first down IMHO. I don't think we can play like the second half of the scUM game (although that was appropriate for that game).

Throw it down field, reverses, quick snaps. Or like the NC game, let the quarterback take it and hit the gap and pick up 5 or 6 yards.

I mean, however we win the game will be okay with me, but I have a new HD TV and I don't wanna throw anything at it!!!!!

Getting back to Todd, it's just not fair to him to put him in 3d and 12 all day.

I hope the coaching staff shows Todd that they have faith in him and let him put the ball up early and often --- until we have a twenty point lead....

Go Buckeyes!!!!
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I don't believe you can use the template by which Ohio State beat a much less talented Defense in the Fiesta Bowl against ND to provide a 1st down gameplan in New Orleans.

The thing which might work best is instead to make calls that go against the grain - assuming (reasonably) that a particular offensive set will make for a given Defensive response. Runs on some passing downs, passes out of run formations, these are the basic forms. Call it as a game is called when facing a very able Defensive opponent.

Which ND was not.
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