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QB J.T. Barrett (B1G FOY, All American, Silver Football Award, 3x B1G QBOY, National Champion)

As much as I love JT this is a trend for him now... getting into a argument big enough to get police involved and now this. I'm not calling for his captaincy to be revoked or anything but it's severely disappointing nonetheless
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I am so anxiously waiting to hear Urban speak of J T's situation and how he is going to handle this. It is so sad for JT to have come out this predicament. And it is hard for me to believe all this has happened to a player of his caliber.
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He's 20 and a college kid, not surprised at all, just like I wasn't surprised seeing Bosa get suspended for smoking weed earlier this season. They're still college kids, no matter if they can fill a stadium with 100,000+ people or not, they'll make dumb, very dumb decisions. Hell be suspended for 1gm, come back and well continue to dominate.
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