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QB J.T. Barrett (B1G FOY, All American, Silver Football Award, 3x B1G QBOY, National Champion)

Well what was incorrect was that the 2 game requirement was being thrown around early, but then later in the day it came out that since it was a misdemeanor and not a felony that was incorrect. Technically zero discipline required. I still would have gone 2 games, but it could have been zero (with a ton of public backlash, rightfully so).

I believe a felony is indefinite suspension (Hyde) and dismissal if convicted. Gene Smith made that clear when that jackass in Maryland was telling the newspapers that we were still recruiting him. I'd be very disappointed if we're handing out two game suspensions for felonies.

Personally, I feel that UFM should have just given him the two games.
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Indeed he'll most likely have to re-earn the starting job after Minnesota.
But, unless he completely melts down on the field, how do you tell Cardale he has to sit behind JT? If he beats Minnesota this weekend, he'll have as many wins as JT does as a starter, a NC under his belt, and now has arguably shown better character up to this point. We all agree that JT is the better QB here but I don't think this is a situation where he should earn his job back by performing better.
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He's 20 and a college kid, not surprised at all, just like I wasn't surprised seeing Bosa get suspended for smoking weed earlier this season. They're still college kids, no matter if they can fill a stadium with 100,000+ people or not, they'll make dumb, very dumb decisions. Hell be suspended for 1gm, come back and well continue to dominate.

I have to agree. And it doesn't matter what school - this happens just as often with students at Harvard/P/Y as it does at Ohio State and elsewhere. I would know.

I am truly disappointed in JT, but I can also see how a collegiate athlete would want to celebrate a bye week after a big victory with a couple drinks and think he is okay to drive. He will learn from this and be a better person for it.
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But, unless he completely melts down on the field, how do you tell Cardale he has to sit behind JT? If he beats Minnesota this weekend, he'll have as many wins as JT does as a starter, a NC under his belt, and now has arguably shown better character up to this point. We all agree that JT is the better QB here but I don't think this is a situation where he should earn his job back by performing better.

If it comes to that, I'm sure Coach Meyer will find a way. He's already told Jones he'd have to sit behind Barrett twice before.
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But, unless he completely melts down on the field, how do you tell Cardale he has to sit behind JT? If he beats Minnesota this weekend, he'll have as many wins as JT does as a starter, a NC under his belt, and now has arguably shown better character up to this point. We all agree that JT is the better QB here but I don't think this is a situation where he should earn his job back by performing better.
Depends on how much Braxton is required in the red zone. This is where Cardale has major issues.
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But, unless he completely melts down on the field, how do you tell Cardale he has to sit behind JT? If he beats Minnesota this weekend, he'll have as many wins as JT does as a starter, a NC under his belt, and now has arguably shown better character up to this point. We all agree that JT is the better QB here but I don't think this is a situation where he should earn his job back by performing better.
Just the way you told JT to sit after only losing his job to injury.
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But, unless he completely melts down on the field, how do you tell Cardale he has to sit behind JT? If he beats Minnesota this weekend, he'll have as many wins as JT does as a starter, a NC under his belt, and now has arguably shown better character up to this point. We all agree that JT is the better QB here but I don't think this is a situation where he should earn his job back by performing better.

Pistols at 20 paces seems the only reasonable solution to me
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