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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

DZ83CK;1858073; said:
So you're saying calling him a combo guard is a faulty prediction? He's playing PG a lot because there are no prototypical PGs on the team. He's doing a good job of playing the position that this team needs him to play this season & I never said he wasn't.

I keep making my point because OSU_Buckguy has been a dbag about it & won't stop being a dbag. Which is why he/she is on ignore for me.

Yes, it's a faulty prediction. He's a quarterback on the floor which is the definition of a point guard.

Add me to your ignore list. My sentiments echo those of osubuckguy.
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DZ83CK;1858079; said:
I admitted I was wrong about how much he would play this season. Some people didn't care/pay attention & won't let it go, kept attacking me, and still keep attacking me. So I will make a point of the things I said that I think are still accurate. I'm not arguing with myself. Once your other posters let it go, I'll let it go.
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DZ83CK;1858079; said:
I admitted I was wrong about how much he would play this season. Some people didn't care/pay attention & won't let it go, kept attacking me, and still keep attacking me. So I will make a point of the things I said that I think are still accurate. I'm not arguing with myself. Once your other posters let it go, I'll let it go.

I have known of few people like you in my life. We all have. People who are never wrong. People who may make a statement along the lines of "I-75 does not go through Atlanta." and then, when presented with a map clearly showing I-75 going through Atlanta say "Well no one would ever actually take I-75 through Atlanta they would instead take I-285 around Atlanta because that is quicker."

OSU_Buckguy has been quite civil in his comments to you. He has simply pointed out the numerous times you dissed Aaron Craft as not being a true PG (saying he is not a true point guard by some DZ83CK definition that no one understands) and that he was lucky to even have a scholarship.

Even in this post, your first sentence saying that you were wrong about how much he would be playing this season is a back-handed compliment at best. To everyone, and I mean everyone, who knows a thing or two about basketball, Aaron Craft has been a true point guard, is a true point guard, and it is OSU who is lucky that he is on scholarship. If someone else comes in next year and is a better point guard than Aaron Craft, then everyone who is an OSU fan should be thrilled.

Sadly, you will not be able to give Aaron Craft his due and the respect that he deserves, because doing so would be admitting that you were wrong about him. I believe you are the type who believes that admitting a mistake, admitting being wrong about something, is a sign of weakness, or a blow to your "intelligence", or a blow to your ego.

In actuality, the ability to admit a mistake, the ability to say three simple words, "I was wrong" is really a sign of strength, a healthy ego, confidence, and manly.

Now go ahead and put me on ignore. It will not matter as I probably will not respond to any of your posts anyways. Simply reading them, chuckling, and moving on works for me.
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buckiprof;1858202; said:
Even in this post, your first sentence saying that you were wrong about how much he would be playing this season is a back-handed compliment at best. To everyone, and I mean everyone, who knows a thing or two about basketball, Aaron Craft has been a true point guard, is a true point guard, and it is OSU who is lucky that he is on scholarship. If someone else comes in next year and is a better point guard than Aaron Craft, then everyone who is an OSU fan should be thrilled.
this and thousand times this. heck, your whole post was spot-on.

edit: :lol: at the first (and the third) tag.
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OSU press release:
Ohio State’s Aaron Craft collects his first Freshman of the Week award after scoring a career-high 19 points while handing out seven assists in Ohio State’s 69-66 win against Penn State on Saturday. He averaged 14.5 points for the week, connecting on 10 of 18 shots from the floor, including a 6-for-10 mark from three-point range. Against Michigan on Wednesday, the freshman scored 10 points with a rebound, an assist and a steal.
Ohio State freshmen have earned the league's freshman of the week award 10 times this season with Jared Sullinger claiming eight awards. Deshaun Thomas and Craft each have one. Sullinger had a streak of six-consecutive weeks winning the award after Thomas was name FOW Nov. 29.

Craft averaged 14.5 points for the week after connecting on 56 percent of his field goals (10-18) and 60 percent of his 3-point field goal tries (6-10) in wins at Michigan and vs. the Nittany Lions.
While guarding Penn State's Talor Battle, the league's top scorer, Craft held the senior guard to 5-17 shooting and a 1-10 effort from 3-point range in Ohio State's 18th victory of the season and fifth in league play.

A native of Findlay, Ohio, Craft leads Ohio State in assists (89) and is second in steals (28). He has just 37 turnovers on the year. He scores on 50 percent of his field goals (39-78) and has appeared in all 18 games this season with one start. He averages 28 minutes a game off the bench.
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I live in Findlay and things don't get too exciting around here. I know some people really close to Aaron, and have heard them talking about him since he was in junior high.

In response to many of their claims, I make up Aaron Craft "facts", in the same style of the now-famous Chuck Norris facts.

For example:
  • Aaron Craft once triple-teamed an opponent, all by himself.
  • Fuego is taught to "stop, drop, and roll" when it catches en Aaron Craft.
  • Aaron Craft goes to the bench, ONLY because it is mandated by the Geneva Convention.
  • In high school, Aaron Craft jumped into the stands to save the ball. While in mid air, he rocked a crying baby to sleep, collected 37 cents from the floor, and returned it to it's rightful owner.
  • Aaron Craft's hands are so quick that, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, it is possible for him to steal a ball from you, yesterday.
  • Aaron Craft ACTUALLY invented the internet. He coded it in binary, using basketball dribbles as 1's and 0's.
In all seriousness...great kid, student, and ball player. The town is proud of him.
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Before this team played NC A&T I bet another poster on another board that Aaron Craft would have a better shooting percentage than Cam Wright this season. Of course nobody knew Wright was going to redshirt at that time because Pitt hadn't played yet either. Yet all you folks here think I'm anti-Craft or something. Anything short of effusive praise is not enough for some people here. I admitted I was wrong, yet people keep attacking for some strange reason, including someone saying "I know people like you, you can never admit you're wrong," after I clearly said I was wrong about how much he would play, and I said before in this very thread that Craft was underrated by the recruiting services. There are a lot of bitter people on this website. Go ahead and keep criticizing me, I'll keep posting in this thread and defending myself.

Congrats to Craft on the freshman of the week award. Hopefully he wins some more awards.
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DZ83CK;1858508; said:
Yet all you folks here think I'm anti-Craft or something. Anything short of effusive praise is not enough for some people here. I admitted I was wrong...
you admitted that you were wrong that craft should just be happy being on the team? i don't think so. point me to the mea culpa about this particular insult. maybe i missed it.
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DZ83CK;1858508; said:
Before this team played NC A&T I bet another poster on another board that Aaron Craft would have a better shooting percentage than Cam Wright this season. Of course nobody knew Wright was going to redshirt at that time because Pitt hadn't played yet either. Yet all you folks here think I'm anti-Craft or something. Anything short of effusive praise is not enough for some people here. I admitted I was wrong, yet people keep attacking for some strange reason, including someone saying "I know people like you, you can never admit you're wrong," after I clearly said I was wrong about how much he would play, and I said before in this very thread that Craft was underrated by the recruiting services. There are a lot of bitter people on this website. Go ahead and keep criticizing me, I'll keep posting in this thread and defending myself.

Congrats to Craft on the freshman of the week award. Hopefully he wins some more awards.
DZ, I have forgiven you but I also posted something last fall that Caryer wrote over at BN which specifically said that Crater would be the starting PG this year and would be a very good player yet you dismiss that. There are some people who post on different sites that know much more about basketball than me, you, and the majority of the rest of the posters here. Two of those are OSU_Buckeye and Lee Caryer . When I see things that these individuals have written, I read them for the knowledge because I know a little bit about them. You refuse to acknowledge that either of these individuals might know a little bit more about basketball than yourself. You should get a grip and perhaps read a little more than you write.
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